Sunday, January 31, 2010

Never ending....

First off, I find it humerous when people that lie, try to cover their tracks.  Other than I wasn't raised that way, that is a good reason to not don't have to remember which lies you've told and you don't have to try to cover those lies with more and more and more....It's never ending.  Just like the bs with this blogger.

I also find it comical that the trip to the attorney the Briggs made was blogged about.  Let me reassure you, that we knew you would be immediately told as soon as Gayla hung up the phone from talking to the person SHE called, that she had not called in 5 years. THAT call came about because the person Gayla called had talked to RD's sister, and the chain of calling started.  We knew the who, when, where and why would be made known to the blogger.  Who cares? lol

And I'm sorry, the blogger doesn't know the law as well as claimed.  Just because in your mind something is true, not only does NOT make it true, it also doesn't make it ok to post it all over the internet AS true.  Even if something is true, depending on certain things, can also mean it is NOT ok to post.  And for the record, no, not everything posted as the truth IS the truth, nor can it be proven to BE the truth.  Trust me, the attorney's have seen what's been written.  And yes, it's true that it can cost quite a bit and if the person being sued has no money, then it can be a waste of your money if money is what you are after.  Some people are obviously always out to make an easy buck any way they can.  While to others, it is NOT about the money.  It's the principal of the thing and what is right and wrong.  Money is not everything, that would be a lesson well learned by some.

I don't know why it would be "interesting" that the attorney attained by the Briggs is the same one Smothermon used for the deposition stuff.  Who cares?  One has nothing to do with the other.  It's the attorney and the record of said attorney that matters and is important.  And yes, there were certain questions that could not be asked of Smothermon, but you would think to those that are so adament that RD will get another trial, that the reason for refusal of certain questions pertaining to the criminal case would be understandable.  Maybe they aren't as sure of a new trial as they would like others to believe. And/or as it appears, maybe that will be their reasoning behing it all when she doesn't get the money....I sense more "conspiracy" stories being formed already.(my opinion.) Also n my opinion,  There's certainly GOT to be SOMETHING to blame it on when she has to serve at least her sentence of the 27 can't be because she is guilty.

This quote from a recent blog, "So, the Briggs have no money and definitely not enough money to throw away on a frivolous lawsuit that cannot be won." is another example of what is going on.  First place the blogger has no real idea what the Briggs have or don't have, and apparently thought that RD wouldn't be convicted of the charge against her, nor that she would receive a 27 yr. sentence.  I assure you this attorney would not be taking the case if it couldn't be won.  That quoted statement was based on more ASSumptions.

And I do agree with the blogger, she has more than made her motives very clear on her postings. And yes, she says she wants the lies to stop.  In my opinion she wants people to stop posting their opinions of RD and this case that do not coincide with her "opinions", and when they don't match up, they are apparenlty "lies". But yet it is to be allowed for her to continue with her lies on the Briggs, me, KP and others. I have not lied about said blogger, but can greatly prove the lies TOLD by same.  And you absolutely cannot post your opinions stated and worded to where a reasonable person would believe them to be true, when they are only one's opinion and therefore not factual.

No one is creating false evidence and if she is referring to those things recently posted on my blog, they were screenshotted from some of the other bloggers websites.  Most of my proof on everything comes from either conversations that include her, emails FROM her, postings FROM her and HER own blogs.  THE WHOLE THING was screenshot, not just bits and pieces, so yes, it CAN be proven what I copied as posts from her-- ARE from her and where they came from AND who posted them and the dates as well.  If reference is being made about the hate shown towards Kathie and Lance, well that has been an ongoing thing for many years, and it can be proven that the majority of the posts were under her alias, "truthseeker", which we know for fact IS her, and to which she lied about for many years and yet called others "liars" among other things.

Not to worry, I didn't expect any "dialogue" with her, only more accusations and lies, and that is what I got.  My offer was sincere as it has been every time it's been made.  It is obvious by facts and evidence well documented who wants the "hate" and nonsense to stop and who provokes it and keeps the pot stirred.  It is well documented and easy to see who considers this "fun and games" and a "joke" and who is sincere.  You can only lead a thirsty donkey to water, you cannot make it drink, just like my grandpa used to say.

Ok, on to a new day and new things.  Lots of interesting things coming soon....Thanks for reading and have a great night!!  :)


  1. I'm glad that the Briggs have consulted an attorney. It's about time that the lies told about THEM stop.

  2. This will hopefully be my only post if the evil people this is directed towards "get it".

    Yes, I am putting up money for Kathie to go to an attorney.

    No, we will not back down to ANYONE for ANY reason, other than COMPLETE actions taken to mine and Kathie's satisfaction for the protection of our grandchildren.

    I will not stand by and stand the chance that some fool out there may do harm to my children/grandchildren. I will take any precations for protection of my grandchildren BEFORE it becomes a priority, such as Kelsey's.

    I will NOT put up with blogs stating where their location is, a picture of the home they are in, or what they are wearing or anything pertaining to keeping the safety of these children OR ANYONE sitting outside their location and taking pictures or videos.

    If YOU (and you know who you are) continue to do this, you will be prosecuted in due time. I do NOT care if you have money or not, you can hire an attorney and if I decide to go after something of value, it will be your FUTURE earnings!

    I do not make threats, I promise the safety of my family will not be compromised because of you.

    Continue to post, if you will, you will be deciding your own future.

    Due to an unexpected death in the family, things will not proceed as fast as I would like, but they will proceed, I can promise you.

    Debbie Hammons
