Monday, February 28, 2011

ohh puuleeezze!!

Wow, some things never change.  Ranting on with lies, will not sell a bad book.  Now her family was in danger?  Are you kidding me?  The rantings of this self claimed "author", remind me of a girl I went to school with...she told so many lies, she believed them herself. 
The last two "books" were so sorry, neither sold many copies.  I think more were given away of the last one, than sold.  It's funny how the negative reviews are deleted from, and Amazon will soon get some screen shots of several negative reviews that were posted by people who really did spend their money on that garbage, me being one of them.  I told people to screen shot their review after it posted so there is proof they were written and posted.  They will also get screen shots of proof that the author has posted under another name and several times, praising their own book.  I expect when the letters are received, the sorry book will be pulled from Amazon.  People should have a chance to read honest opinions of any book.  They depend on the reviews by those who have read them, as to whether they want to spend their money on the books or not.  Deleteing all negative reviews is fraudulent and a pretty sorry thing to do.  I only spent $10 on the kindle version and only kept it for legal reasons.  You couldn't even read the damn thing hardly.  I've heard it's been corrected since.
Just like lying about the facts in Kelsey's case won't change the truth or facts, lying and deceiving about reviews on a book isn't going to sell any books.  But then that seems to be what this "author" does best...lie and deceive.  Someone should have taught this person that things eventually catch up with you when you are dishonest and deceiving.  Guess they will learn it eventually.  Sueing for "future earnings", won't come from this book.  Oh and learn!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Listen up some of you RD supporters....I do NOT have ANY blog but this one.  Yesterday I was needlessly attacked by one of you and this isn't the first time I've been accused of owning the blog in question.  As for what you said in reference to the cancer situation, you are heartless and cruel and a sorry human being.

Right now I could give a shit less about Raye Dawn, Mike Porter, you or anyone else.  I'm sitting at a Cancer Treatment Center with my son who was just diagnosed with a rare form of cancer.  I don't have the strength or want to, to deal with your piddly bullshit.  Porter AND Raye Dawn are in prison and RIGHTFULLY so, they will BOTH serve out their sentences from their FAIR and JUST trials!!  You can say what you want, but that IS FACT.

Write your little letters to the new Govenor of Oklahoma, she won't be pardoning your little Prison Princess, Raye Dawn Smith.  Gather what? 23 signatures that you have on a petition to REcharge Porter with murder and sexual assault....IT WILL NOT HAPPEN.  Anyone want to make any bets on either of those?  I'm not a gambling person, but those are SURE BETS.  Oh and another thing....even IF RD were to have gotten out?  She WOULD NOT be raising Blaine.  He's been LEGALLY ADOPTED.  Even Janet recently told Debbie Hammons that if Raye got out she didn't need Blaine.  The adoption is final, which means she is not Blaine's legal mommy anymore.  And good for Blaine that that happened!!!

I know a lot of you have been mislead on the facts of the case, evidence has been misrepresented to you and all that.'s over...Raye doesn't qualify for a federal appeal....she's where she's going to be spending the next 23 years.  By all means support her, no one cares if you do.  To keep attacking the Briggs is ridiculous.  You all say Porter killed Kelsey but the truth is, if you really believed that, that is where all your hatred and anger would be directed and it's not.  That says a lot.

To the ignorant person who sent me those messages yesterday...there was no need in you posting you weren't related to me...I AM NOT A STONEHOCKER...I told you my ex was, which means I am not,n DUH! so of course you aren't related to me.  Your big mouth and anger, I'm sure you are related somewhere down the line, you act just like them.

And did say I owned that blog and I will post your messages on here so everyone can see it's not me that's the liar. 

Off for now....