Monday, March 28, 2011

My thought at the end of this day.....

Is that so?

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and on track for a great week!  Stay positive! 

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Recently God has blessed my life with the knowledge of a small child dying at this very moment from an inoperable brain tumor that is cancerous. This little girl looks like an Angel.  Yesterday I was going through the entire story and reading all the comments from her mommy & daddy.  They are such an inspiration... and little Delaney? Wow!  She is so excited she is dying.  When her mommy asked her who told her that, she simply replied..."God did". 

As I was reading, I saw that this brave little 4 yr old, on what is the day my own father was born; was picking out her own casket and her final resting place.  Other than support for her and her family, I knew this child and her story had been brought to my attention for a to figure out the true reason.

Another recent update was Delaney asking if she could go to Heaven now. Her mommy told her God would come for her.  She mentioned seeing the Angels.  Oh, the innocence of a child.  They are certainly more open than most of us adults are anymore.

I find myself checking several times a day for any updates on this precious gift from God.  When I find none, I am relieved.  When there is one, I hold my breath as I read.  This little girl and her parents are so amazing. 

Today, while trying to complete a task I've needed to do for days, I started thinking about what lesson is it I'm supposed to take from this child and her story?   For some reason, I started thinking of the past few years and how involved I've been with the things going on surrounding Kelsey's story and her case.  How much time I have wasted, on things that do not have meaning in my life.  Kelsey's story certainly has meaning in my life, as does Kelsey's family.  Kathie and I have become very close.  The friendships that I have made because of knowing Kelsey's case, I will forever be greatful for.  A few have had a lasting impact on my life and we will be close friends forever, one I call my sister.  It's because of Kelsey that I have the priveledge to come to know these people.  Thank you Kelsey.  But what about the rest of it?

All of a sudden the words in my head...Do not waste your time on those that choose to live in the darkness. They are there by choice and know what they do. Remember forgiveness.  

I thought about that and realized that is so true.  They do the things they do of their own choosing. The words that come out of their mouths are theirs. Then I thought of Jody.  I did a lot of thinking of the darkness that has surrounded my life because of the negativity that you have brought into it these past few years.  I realized that I too have choices.  You have only impacted my life with your darkness, because I chose to let you.  Now I'm making another choice.  This one is for LaneyBug.

I realized that your lies and manipulations of the truth surrounding Kelsey's story do not hurt me. They don't have an impact on my life unless I choose to let them, which I have.  They do not have an impact on the case.  Very few choose to believe the lies you spread from your mouth anyway.  Many find their way to the light from the darkness you spread.  Your lies made no difference in a court of law, in the sentencing or in the decision of the appeals.  So why should I continue to waste my time and energy on things that simple do not matter and do not change a thing?  I shouldn't.

Although I've known it, I've forgotten I guess, until thinking about little Delaney and her short but so meaningful life.  Her and her family could be filled with despair and hold hate in their hearts for what is happening to this precious child, but they don't.  They make the most of every single day, not only for themselves but for little Delaney. They grasp the positive things in life and live for that, not the negative and darkness.  I have so many positive things in my life that I should be focusing on....a wonderful family, great friends, and life in general.  I'm choosing that.

So....because LaneyBug brought the light back into my life....LaneyBug sweetie, this one is in honor of you....

I forgive you Jody.  For the lies, the manipulation, putting my children in harms way over contacting my ex, your harm and hate campaign towards the Briggs and others....for everything.  You nor your manipulations will guide any part of my life any longer. None of it is of any importance to me or my life any longer.  I'm choosing the positive side of life.  I'm choosing to let go of the chaos and to do the only thing I know that will set me free from the darkness that has been brought into and I let into my life... and that is forgiveness.  And yes, I know you don't need my forgiveness, but this isn't about you any longer, this is about me and what I need to get back into the light of life and I need to forgive you.  So it shall be.

And to little LaneyBug....Precious Princess, you are amazing and truely the work of God.  One small child has united over 26,000 people in prayer and hope.  One small dying child, filled with so much happiness, truth and light, you have taught us so much.  I'm choosing to listen.  Because of you, I am a better person.  I choose the light and life over the darkness in this cruel world.  I pray for you to go with God peacefully if that is His will.  May the Angels wings carry you gracefully to the arms of our Lord.  Anyone who knows you or your journey here on earth, is a better person because of it.  Thank you Delaney...Peace be with you...Many blessings to you and your family.

As a dear friend says....Love & Light to all who read here. May your days be filled with hope, happiness and the light of life.  Leave the darkness where it belongs and choose to focus on the positive things that matter.  That is my wish for you.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Take your chickens...cross the road...and come back to REALITY!!

So, now the FKM people think they have the power to take other's rights from them? Really?  HAHAHAHA!  Not hardly.  Wake up people, you are NOT all powerful!  The blind leading the blind is what is happening within that group.  Seriously, get over yourself/ves! Damn.

Ginger won't ever lose any of her rights because of you, nor will anyone else.  You people have been duped from the beginning by your "leader".  I really don't believe Raye Dawn is all that thrilled with the tactics of what's been used in her name.  In fact, according to someone whom RD writes, she won't even accept any visits anymore from your leader.  Imagine that.

Trying to start crap over Kelsey's last name? Really?  What a joke.  Guess this is all you/they have to resort to, now that you know she's not getting out of prison until her time is served.  How petty and childish, but fully expected from the person who started this crap.  Kelsey's last name IS Briggs.  Get over it.  You can't change it.  The same way you couldn't change the facts and the truth to free raye dawn. DUH!  Lance's last name is legally Briggs, legally so is Kelsey's.  What is your problem with the name "Briggs" anyway?  Because it's Kathie's? wow..really?  She's not got any "Briggs blood" in her either, she married a "Briggs" remember? lol  Seriously, grow up.  Take your chickens, cross the road and come back to reality.

As for the picture you posted on the rd fb page of Kelsey's monument....any dummy knows that depending on what angle the picture was taken from, things can appear larger or smaller than they are...again...DUH!  Why did you take the picture at an angle?  Why not take it right over the top of it to give an ACCURATE picture of what you are whinning about? YUP...that's right, cuz then it would show that the letters are all the same size, and the "Briggs" name is NOT larger than "Kelsey".  wow, the levels you stoop to, to try to make a point.  And your followers eat it up, they believe the garbage and nonsense that comes out of your mouth.  Again...WOW!

IF you could manage to prove the "Briggs" are the worst people on earth, that wouldn't prove that RD was innocent, nor would it prove that the lies and garbage you spew from your mouth and fingertips is true either.

Lysa, Lysa, Lysa...or whatever your REAL name is....and Kylie..."desperate"?  Who's desperate?  Certainly not any of us, nor the Briggs.  They got Justice For Kelsey!  Two people who are the most responsible for the MURDER of that baby girl are serving decent sentences in connection to Kelsey's death.  NO ONES EMAIL OR ANYTHING ELSE HAS EVER BEEN "HACKED" by ANY OF US!  That is yet another LIE.  Simply amazing.

"SPIES"??? lmao! now who is sounding "desperate"??  Do I need to post the admissions from a certain person we all know, that has used several different names on the internet to SPY on KP members and Kelsey supporters facebook pages????? Do I need to repost the proof of that persons cyberbullying and cyberstalking and harrassment both ON and OFF the internet to the Briggs family and others??  Really, you should clean your own backyards before trying to clean others. That should keep you busy for a lifetime.

Cathy H. NOR Ginger D. are spies for anyone.  Neither are they traitors.  NOR are they "Briggs supporters", they are simply Kelsey supporters, something which none of you understand sadly.  They are just as entitled to their opinions, to keep them or change them, as any of you.  Of course ONE of you can't change your opinions or it would show you for what and who you truely are.  You've backed yourself into a tiny corner all on your own.  I feel sorry for you and the life you have forced yourself to live.  You did it all on your own and to yourself.  What a tangled web some weave.

Free Innocent Raye Dawn Smith From The LIES Ginger does not have the right to comment, she lost that right when she abused the trust of Raye's family, (Laura H)

23 hours ago · 1 personLoading...
As far as I know, Ginger hasn't had any contact with any of "Raye's family" to abuse their trust.  Have they personally told her any ''secrets''?  NO.  Have they spoken to her and told her not to tell something they've shared with her?  NO. Ginger has the same rights as you have, you just choose to use your "rights" differently.  She has the right to converse with, or be friends with anyone she chooses.  You really can't TELL people who they can talk to and who they can't.  Are you serious?? lol  Case in point: quote from your RD facebook page recently...
Free Innocent Raye Dawn Smith From The LIES Just a little heads up boys and girls. A woman called Mary Bowman whom is a well known Briggs supporter has been spruiking about how she has screen shots of this page, including the details that we individually comment on. Another woman by... the name of Cathy Hirsch is also a Briggs supporter but for sometime supported Raye and said all sorts of horrible things about the Briggs supporters to myself and openly, even about Mary. So my advice to all your faithful. Please ensure you are wise not to engage with either person on fb.

Thank you

Seriously.  You are not GOD, you are not anyone's "boss" and do not have the "right", not are you "entitled",  to demand anything like this from anyone.  Period.
You people say in one breath everyone is entitled to their opinion, what you forget to mention is they are only "entitled" to it if you agree with it, or it is the same as yours.  IN the next breath you speak of how you deleted someone's comment because you don't approve of what they've said.  This is what you've accused others of for years.
Let me give you a "heads up"....LIFE isn't about Raye Dawn Smith. It isn't about Kelsey's case; only to those who have lived it, which isn't ANY of you, your leader included.  Other people REALLY DO have other things in common they can and do talk about, on the computer and off. It's pretty simple really....some of you should try it.  You only hurt yourself and cheat yourself from REALLY knowing and becoming friends with some great people, no matter what their opinions are of ONE case in MILLIONS!!!  Try broadening your horizons and stepping out of your dark little circle and back into the light, called REALITY.  You might be surprised.  Seriously.