Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Take your chickens...cross the road...and come back to REALITY!!

So, now the FKM people think they have the power to take other's rights from them? Really?  HAHAHAHA!  Not hardly.  Wake up people, you are NOT all powerful!  The blind leading the blind is what is happening within that group.  Seriously, get over yourself/ves! Damn.

Ginger won't ever lose any of her rights because of you, nor will anyone else.  You people have been duped from the beginning by your "leader".  I really don't believe Raye Dawn is all that thrilled with the tactics of what's been used in her name.  In fact, according to someone whom RD writes, she won't even accept any visits anymore from your leader.  Imagine that.

Trying to start crap over Kelsey's last name? Really?  What a joke.  Guess this is all you/they have to resort to, now that you know she's not getting out of prison until her time is served.  How petty and childish, but fully expected from the person who started this crap.  Kelsey's last name IS Briggs.  Get over it.  You can't change it.  The same way you couldn't change the facts and the truth to free raye dawn. DUH!  Lance's last name is legally Briggs, legally so is Kelsey's.  What is your problem with the name "Briggs" anyway?  Because it's Kathie's? wow..really?  She's not got any "Briggs blood" in her either, she married a "Briggs" remember? lol  Seriously, grow up.  Take your chickens, cross the road and come back to reality.

As for the picture you posted on the rd fb page of Kelsey's monument....any dummy knows that depending on what angle the picture was taken from, things can appear larger or smaller than they are...again...DUH!  Why did you take the picture at an angle?  Why not take it right over the top of it to give an ACCURATE picture of what you are whinning about? YUP...that's right, cuz then it would show that the letters are all the same size, and the "Briggs" name is NOT larger than "Kelsey".  wow, the levels you stoop to, to try to make a point.  And your followers eat it up, they believe the garbage and nonsense that comes out of your mouth.  Again...WOW!

IF you could manage to prove the "Briggs" are the worst people on earth, that wouldn't prove that RD was innocent, nor would it prove that the lies and garbage you spew from your mouth and fingertips is true either.

Lysa, Lysa, Lysa...or whatever your REAL name is....and Kylie..."desperate"?  Who's desperate?  Certainly not any of us, nor the Briggs.  They got Justice For Kelsey!  Two people who are the most responsible for the MURDER of that baby girl are serving decent sentences in connection to Kelsey's death.  NO ONES EMAIL OR ANYTHING ELSE HAS EVER BEEN "HACKED" by ANY OF US!  That is yet another LIE.  Simply amazing.

"SPIES"??? lmao! now who is sounding "desperate"??  Do I need to post the admissions from a certain person we all know, that has used several different names on the internet to SPY on KP members and Kelsey supporters facebook pages????? Do I need to repost the proof of that persons cyberbullying and cyberstalking and harrassment both ON and OFF the internet to the Briggs family and others??  Really, you should clean your own backyards before trying to clean others. That should keep you busy for a lifetime.

Cathy H. NOR Ginger D. are spies for anyone.  Neither are they traitors.  NOR are they "Briggs supporters", they are simply Kelsey supporters, something which none of you understand sadly.  They are just as entitled to their opinions, to keep them or change them, as any of you.  Of course ONE of you can't change your opinions or it would show you for what and who you truely are.  You've backed yourself into a tiny corner all on your own.  I feel sorry for you and the life you have forced yourself to live.  You did it all on your own and to yourself.  What a tangled web some weave.

Free Innocent Raye Dawn Smith From The LIES Ginger does not have the right to comment, she lost that right when she abused the trust of Raye's family, (Laura H)

23 hours ago · 1 personLoading...
As far as I know, Ginger hasn't had any contact with any of "Raye's family" to abuse their trust.  Have they personally told her any ''secrets''?  NO.  Have they spoken to her and told her not to tell something they've shared with her?  NO. Ginger has the same rights as you have, you just choose to use your "rights" differently.  She has the right to converse with, or be friends with anyone she chooses.  You really can't TELL people who they can talk to and who they can't.  Are you serious?? lol  Case in point: quote from your RD facebook page recently...
Free Innocent Raye Dawn Smith From The LIES Just a little heads up boys and girls. A woman called Mary Bowman whom is a well known Briggs supporter has been spruiking about how she has screen shots of this page, including the details that we individually comment on. Another woman by... the name of Cathy Hirsch is also a Briggs supporter but for sometime supported Raye and said all sorts of horrible things about the Briggs supporters to myself and openly, even about Mary. So my advice to all your faithful. Please ensure you are wise not to engage with either person on fb.

Thank you

Seriously.  You are not GOD, you are not anyone's "boss" and do not have the "right", not are you "entitled",  to demand anything like this from anyone.  Period.
You people say in one breath everyone is entitled to their opinion, what you forget to mention is they are only "entitled" to it if you agree with it, or it is the same as yours.  IN the next breath you speak of how you deleted someone's comment because you don't approve of what they've said.  This is what you've accused others of for years.
Let me give you a "heads up"....LIFE isn't about Raye Dawn Smith. It isn't about Kelsey's case; only to those who have lived it, which isn't ANY of you, your leader included.  Other people REALLY DO have other things in common they can and do talk about, on the computer and off. It's pretty simple really....some of you should try it.  You only hurt yourself and cheat yourself from REALLY knowing and becoming friends with some great people, no matter what their opinions are of ONE case in MILLIONS!!!  Try broadening your horizons and stepping out of your dark little circle and back into the light, called REALITY.  You might be surprised.  Seriously.


  1. Brava Starla!!!
    Beautifully written and very well articulated.

    I will never agree that Kelsey is Kelsey Smith, she is Kelsey Smith Briggs. Why they cannot give that dear child her name when so much has been ripped from her already is beyond me. It's not petty, It's not childish, it's a human beings name.

    I woke up from the fog of these RD supporters just in time. Had I stayed any longer my brain may have become chicken feed. Sadly, I didn't just wake up and decide I no longer like these people, it was after catching them in so many lies, being lied about, and the nastiness of it all. I felt BAD for what I did to Kathie and I admitted it, when I did I was told my many of them not to, she deserved yet. Yet some how my conscience wouldn't let it go.

    I really wish they would stop trying to convince the world they are a peaceful group. They are NOT. They talk so baldy about the Briggs and their supporters it's rather disgusting.

    And for the Laura who decided Ginger lost her rights, welcome to the USA! Her rights to free speech are an amazing privilege. But you see, Momma Hen (Jody) seems to think that freedom of speech is cyber bullying and cyber stalking and what ever victim she wants to be.
    I hope everyone wakes up and one day sees what REALLY goes on over there and for the 420 people who think they are just a quiet groups of women supporting another. It's not. Nope, not even close. Walk an egg shells in that chicken coop!

  2. Wow Starla...very powerful. And thank you. You and Cathy have both had my back for two days. You guys ROCK!!! It shows that differing opinions among 3 women can still truly become friends.

    Now....you are so right and I had forgotten about Topix where they stated that their comments were always being deleted off of other sites and they had a right to their opinions. And all the comments about wanting peace and "why can't we all get along" comments. Why when Cathy and I choose to put our words into action were we so wrong. Cause we choose to NOT be puppets in the play any longer.

    And as for "Rights" I find it pretty childish and amusing that Laura H thinks her and her group can remove my rights lol. That still has me laughing.

    And Kylie's little post:
    *Please ensure you are wise not to engage with either person on fb.*

    Sounds kind of like a little threat. She should have ended it with "or else we will cut you off."

    Well I am sure that by now the 3 of us are the talk of their cyber worlds and I KNOW how that goes. But as Cathy H said...I am done being nice.

    Love and Light my Friend!!!

  3. Damn Starla, I wish I really WAS that much of an evil genius. But, the very least I can say about myself is I can spell. What the hell is "spruking," anyway?

  4. Well this is all ridiculous. She/they show their mentality daily anymore. J.O. has screamed from the rooftops that anything said about her is "cyberbullying" and if you post where she does, you are "cyberstalking" her. BUT..SHE can say whatever she wants, use people's full names and it's just her "right" to freedom of speech. I guess I missed the person with the authority that took everyone's rights to their opinions and freedom of speech away from everyone in the world BUT her and her little groupie chicks. I can PROVE who has cyberbullied and cyberstalked who and who is the one who has done it from the beginning. They run me into the ground, mostly her and for what? Because she doesn't like my opinions? OR because she doesn't like it when I PROVE she's lied and manipulated the truth and facts? Hell she lies to her own people! I have asked several times for the hate to end and asked what we can do to stop it. She won't have any part of it, and Ginger if you think back you have witnessed that. She doesn't want it to end and I can prove that too. Guess then she's back to what she was before she interjected herself into this case and there goes her attention getting. SAD.

    @No Glass Slippers Here...I know... when you are doing their dirty work, you are their best friend, dare to think or act for yourself without permission and you get dumped into the same pool as us. I'd rather be in this pool than the cess pool they've created for themselves for sure.

    @Ginger...you don't have to thank me for anything, that's what REAL LIFE FRIENDS do for each other. Peace to them is if everyone agreed with them and saw things their way, right or wrong, doesn't matter, it's their way or no way. She/They have ran off some pretty good and strong support for Raye Dawn because of the lies and their evil hatred. Most people don't condone the things done and said by the very few left. Many have come to learn the real person behind the many names of the one who started all this bs, and don't like what they've seen and learned.

    @Mary, yes you can spell lol Actually spruiking is a word, we just don't use it here in the US much. She probably had to search the dictionary to find it though.

    Hope you all have a great night!! hugs to all

  5. And here I was thinking that Laura was inventing her own language.

  6. I'm another old wet hen who flew a coop of cuckoos. The maniacal mess of the mother of cluckers decided I wasn't for their lot. They didn't like the color of my feathers. I didn't mean to ruffle those fine flapping fowl but I did. Especially when I failed to bleat their baaa baaaa baseless rhetoric and instead asked questions. But I didn't mean to make those big boastful birds and their chicks mad. Really.

    I was looking for answers, but those birdy brains woulnd't have it.

    Alas, they didn't approve of some of the odd ducks I fly with. They cackled warnings to steer clear of their foes, who reside nearby, in a neighboring garden. They said those briggin eggs were rotten, their only plants were poisoned weeds. They said I would be in danger. But like poor Eve, I had initiative and a mind of my own and couldn't help but examine their 'forbidden fruits' of truth for myself in their neighboring garden.

    Meanwhile, the flapping fowl were frantic, warning me to never listen, read or talk to 'certain people'. When I did despite their screeching and caterwallering, they decided I must be one of the enemy. They bolted the barn doors, banned me from their special club, deleted my posts and ignored my messages while they holed up in their hateful little henhouse thanking their lucky stars they were safe from yet another evil one, another spy come to trap them. another one of their dreaded 'enemies'.
    Whew! Sorry but this odd duck doesn't type, spell or edit worth a hoot or a quack or a cluck!

  7. @DHunter
    All I can say is welcome to our club. Feel free to read my blog anytime and you are more than welcome to comment as well. Just be forewarned...I believe you have a right to your opinion and will not delete you or your comments!! LOL It's how we roll out here closer to the outhouses ;)

  8. Thanks for the nice welcome Ginger. :)
