Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My thoughts today....

I will warn you the video is graphic.  But so is child abuse.  No matter how hard it is for us to view things like this, it's nothing compared to what these children suffer at the hands of their abusers.  As I look at these innocent faces, my heart breaks for them.  I wonder what they are thinking,... how their trust has been completely broken,... their innocence lost.  Their eyes seem clouded with pain and confusion.  Their bodies, pictures painted of the torment and trauma they were made to endure. 

Some people have a hard time understanding why and how anyone can be angry at Raye Dawn.  Let's for a minute suppose that she didn't kill Kelsey, which you all know my opinion is she did.  Why would we still not be angry at Raye Dawn for not protecting her child?   If a mother won't protect her child from the evils in the world....who in God's name will

Some of Raye's supporters think that Raye didn't know Kelsey was being abused.  That in and of itself is absurd.  Kelsey was removed from Raye Dawn because of allegations of abuse!  Raye Dawn herself was the only person in this case listed as a perpetrator of abuse confirmed against Kelsey.  But she didn't know her child was being abused?  Kelsey had broken bones and bruising constantly before being removed from Raye Dawn's care.  Her supporters say it was all "normal childhood injuries".  Is that so.  Then I wish someone would explain to me why when Kelsey was removed from Raye Dawn, the injuries and bruising stopped?? Immediately upon return to Raye Dawn, it all started again.  "Childhood injuries" do not, I repeat DO NOT just happen when children are with only certain people!! 

Raye Dawn claims that she was "always" with Kelsey.  Yet each time there was an injury or bruising, she blamed Porter and she supposedly wasn't around.  The injuries and bruising was constantly much for "always" being with Kelsey.  Her mother admitted "we was starting to watch him".  If they were concerned enough to start watching him, why didn't they contact the authorities? DHS? SOMEONE?  Instead, if you believe Porter killed Kelsey, they "watched" as Kelsey was brutally abused and murdered and could have prevented it by removing Kelsey from the situation and reporting their suspicions to the proper people.  They did neither.  So IF she didn't deliver the fatal blow, she stood by and did nothing, she kept leaving her child with someone that was hurting her and allowed her to be brutally murdered.  IF that were the case, we aren't supposed to be angry about that?  We shouldn't want her to pay her debt to Kelsey for what she "watched" and allowed?  Please.  Yes, other people and agencies failed Kelsey also, but Raye Dawn was her "MOTHER".   There were TWO people in that home and those two people were the ones around Kelsey the past four months of Kelsey's short life.  IF Raye Dawn knew she wasn't doing it...then she had, HAD to know it was Porter doing it, and still she left Kelsey with him on Oct. 11, 2005, the day Kelsey's short life was taken from her and her daddy was robbed of his little girl. 

Again we all have our opinions. Mine is... I don't really see how $1500 dollars of now alleged "bad checks" would be motive to murder a 2 yr old child.  No one has ever came forward to say that he was upset or agitated or concerned over that, not even Raye Dawn herself.  It seems to me that more stories appear to pop up when prior ones are disproved or simply don't work.  But maybe that is what you have to do when the truth is not on your side.  Several facts have been twisted and manipulated even recently, and of course then you have the blame game going on.  Can't defend RD with the real truth and the real facts so time to play another round of "Blame Game".  Pathetic at best.

Fact: the media did not convict Raye Dawn.  Fact:  "The Briggs  did not convict Raye Dawn.  She is in prison for her own actions and/or lack of.  Fact:  The Briggs do not believe Mike Porter killed Kelsey.  Based on the evidence of the case, they fully believe that Raye Dawn killed her own child.  Fact:  "The Briggs" do not have mind control over the entire state of Oklahoma and half the world.  Fact:  There is no "Briggs gang".  Fact:  Mike Porter has not been convicted of the murder of Kelsey Briggs.  Fact: It IS possible according to the evidence that Raye Dawn killed Kelsey.  Fact:: If you believe Porter is innocent of the murder of Kelsey, it does not mean you are a "Porter supporter" nor does it mean you have conjugal visits with him in prison. It also does not mean you are "disgusting".  Fact:  If you believe Raye Dawn Smith is guilty of murdering Kelsey, you are entitled to that opinion and it does not mean you are a "hater", belong to a "hate group" or a "gang" or that you are a "liar", or that you are led around by the nose by Kathie or any of "The Briggs".   Fact: Porter was not home alone with Kelsey for "45 minutes".  Fact:  Lance Briggs did not go to the DA and "ask for a plea deal".  Fact:  KP is not a "hate group".  Fact:  Contrary to what you have read and seen, there is not two seperate sets of rules, one for those those that support Raye Dawn being innocent and those that support the truth and facts in Raye Dawn's guilt in this case. 

I stand behind the truth and the evidence in this case and stand behind my opinion based on those things, that Raye Dawn Smith killed her 2 year old daughter, Kelsey Briggs.  If you want to continue to bash me, lie about me, trash me, stalk me, harrass me, accuse me of doing absurd things I do not do and  bring danger to me and my family because of my opinion, then so be it.  You will not shut me up.  I have the same right to express my thoughts and opinions on this case and any other thing I so choose, the same as you do.  I will continue to post the truth about your lies, your stalking and harrassment and continue with my opinion that you are a true hypocrite.  I do live in the United States of America and exercise my rights as a citizen of such.

So there is NO confusion as to what I mean here is the definition of HYPOCRITE.

Main Entry: hyp·o·crite

Pronunciation: \ˈhi-pə-ˌkrit\

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English ypocrite, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin hypocrita, from Greek hypokritēs actor, hypocrite, from hypokrinesthai

Date: 13th century

1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion

2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

— hypocrite adjective

I have been asked by several people lately on what I base my opinion of Raye Dawn being "guilty" of murdering Kelsey.  Within the next few days I will post the reasons for that opinion.

Have a great night all... God Bless


  1. You are absolutely right. The time for being silent has passed. Their lies cannot be allowed to stand.

  2. You have once again outdone yourself Starla... Thank you for posting the truth... There is a new dawn coming... and their lies will be undone... Thank you for setting the record straight...
