Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Somehow my stalker has found this blog already. Funny how she says she is ONLY keeping up with her "name" and not stalking, but see, her name isn't ON this blog for it to find in her "searches". But MY name is.  She messed up on her blog today talking about the incident with her and Gayla and my ex. She's denied having anything to do with it, now she's saying... "Because Gayla wanted to know who Starla is because she was lying about her and her family doesn't make a person a stalker. Yes, I have kept up with my name and when and where it is posted. I have done what it takes to keep track of the harassment of myself. That's it!" As I stated, HER name is not mentioned here yet.
I have a lot of things going on in my life, I don't have the time just worry about her. Hopefully tonight I can find time to start posting documents to prove what I've been saying.  That's all for now, have an appt. in an hour. 


  1. You've got your stalker worried. Take a look at the update.

  2. All she needs to be worried about is how she is going to explain her lies. She can document whatever she likes, she should have thought of others collecting documentation the past two years on her stalking and harassing behavior. I see she is now backing down from accusing Kathie and I of having any part of the alleged truck and home incident, but she HAS in the past posted to insinuate that either we did it or had someone do it. That is totally asinine. I would NOT give up my freedom and go to jail for the likes of her, for ANY reason. She IS however, boldly stating as FACT that she "know it was someone from that group". Now if she KNOWS for a FACT it was someone from KP, then she would know WHO it was. To assume as she has, that anyone at all that thinks RD is guilty or has issue with her is from KP is totally ridiculous. As much crap and lies as she has posted all over the internet, IF in fact that stuff happened, it could be anyone at all, not necessarily a KP member. I always tho't my daughter was the biggest "drama queen" there was, lmao until the recent blog. Someone has now taken the title from my daughter. Using the word "obsessed" in one of her many online alias's in the past is probably the most truth I've seen come from her. My opinion of course.

  3. I am with you.. and support you... Looking forward to getting there already... I know what you mean about her stalking... You would be surprised some of the things I am going to show you.. I can only pray that this ends soon and without someone being hurt anymore than people already have been... Much love to you...
