Friday, January 15, 2010

It never stops......

Well, I awoke today to find that I am being talked about and named again by the person stalking and harrassing me, lying as usual.  It never stops.  First of all, I've never put her address "on another website".  The information that Kathie had put on KP was information that was readily available on several of her other websites.   Why the lies and accusations continue is beyond me.  She states she wants it to stop, but then she starts naming names and making accusations... yet again. 

I can tell you from experience, when you ARE being "stalked" you don't incite or invite/provoke more behavior.  You don't chase your stakers all around to monitor what they are doing, who they are talking to, who their friends are, nor do you call them out and boldly lie about them and invite more problems.  Other than the fact that I KNOW that Kathie and I and Shonya and others are not stalking or harrassing her, that is another point in proof.

When I was being stalked, I did everything I could to stay away from, not talk to, not have any dialogue directly or indirectly with that person,  I never lied about that person nor accused them of anything, true or not, that might insite anger and a response from that person.  There were a couple times we had police sitting outside our home all night long.  There were times when my children and I were escorted home by law enforcement and our home checked before we were allowed to go inside.  Once we had a police escort home when I went to pick my children up from school.  There were times we had to hide from my stalker.  I KNOW WHAT STALKING IS AND WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE STALKED AND AFRAID FOR MY LIFE AND THAT OF MY FAMILY!!  I can assure you I would never try to incite that kind of FEAR in someone else, nor would I condone it, nor "get" or "hire" someone else to do it. 

Recently she did state that she no longer fears us, and I'm happy with that admission since there was no reason to fear any of us that she's named nor anyone we know or associate with. THAT is crazy talk.  I am not responsible for what others do.  Neither is Kathie nor anyone else.  I know she stated somewhere, and I have a copy of it, that Lance posted somewhere and told people to "go get her". That is totally asinine.  How in the world she can accuse and state something as fact like that is beyond me.  Lance doesn't even know who she is, he knows nothing about her, nor does he care to I'm sure.  He wouldn't have been able to pick her out in the courtroom at that hearing if someone would have offered him a million dollars cash right there on the spot.

After doing a lot of thinking today, I've decided to hold off for now on posting more evidence/documents to back up the things I have stated.  I assure you I do have them...and much more.  Although dissappointing to some, please bear with me until you finish reading today's post and hopefully you will understand and agree.

While driving back from taking my daughter back tonight, in between a couple of phone conversations, something came to my mind from back when my ex was stalking me.  When I asked him once why he was  calling me only to start trouble and argue, his replied that, "negative attention from you is better than NO attention at all".  WOW!  Suddenly a LOT of things started to make sense to me.  When I was reflecting tonight on the things that are and have been going on lately and for some time, I had another "WOW" moment, and once again, a LOT of things started making more sense.

After not posting on here for a couple of days, Kathie and I were once again named and the idea planted in the  readers minds that we might have "hired" someone to do things that have allegedly happened.  I realized as I drove home that it appears to be another attempt at provoking me to respond, and I refuse to be a part of that insanity any longer.  I realized she's been feeding off the attention all along and only getting hungrier. And that is NOT a good sign.

Reflecting back on things the past few weeks, I realized something and it scared the crap out of me.  Looking back, I get the feeling that we are being set up.  Whether some nut actually does something stupid, or harms her or whether she "hires" someone to do it to her, or does it to herself...she is setting us up to take the fall.  She is the one that called this "fun and games".  As I previously stated, I don't consider this fun, nor do I consider it a game. People that consider it a "game" are dangerous and I refuse to be a part of, contribute to, or play... a game that can turn deadly.  I also remembered that my ex called it a "game" too, and that is what scared me.  I don't like the mental state one apparently has to be in, to consider this kind of stuff a "game".  I refuse to be drawn into the insanity of all this any longer. It has become scary and crossed the lines to dangerous. "GAME" OVER .   One can only play a "game" by themselves so long before they get bored.

I am going to take about 3 or 4 days off to do some things I need and want to do.  I will be back, just won't be used as a pawn in anyone's "game" when I return.  Thank you to those of you who've been reading and contributing and supporting us through the insanity of not only the past few weeks, but the past few years. We appreciate not only your concern but your support.  'Till we meet again my friends.....

 May God Bless you and keep you safe.....


  1. Starla, you have stated what I have been thinking all along. Every single bit of it. That she loves the attention she gets. If things get quiet, she goes and stirs it up again. Secondly, I agree that there is some alterior motive for the things she does and the lies she's been able to pull out of nowhere, like the Best Buy thing and the guy in the parking lot and the therapist. It is such crap and transparent and the only reason I can see for it doing it she is setting people up. I would not put it past her and a few of her "close friends" to do something and then pin it on someone. You have expressed exactly what I've been thinking for a long time now. Though I would be interested in seeing the things that you have, I think everyone should just ignore her no matter what she does or says.

  2. Thank you satojos. I'm not saying you won't get to see those thing at all. It just may not be online. Have a great weekend!

  3. I agree Starla... She needs and feeds on the attention she seeks.. If she can hurt people by gaining this attention then she is happy... She claims to be the victim yet she advertises like a damn billboard in Times Square about who, where, what and why she does the things she does. That is not the sociology of a true victim. She is her own enabler that feeds off of the public spectacle she has allowed her life to become by her own hand. I feel sorry for her. That is truly the only victim she is.... a victim of herself...

  4. I agree Jullie.

    I also think that her "Truth Seeker" persona was a big power trip for her. I think she got off on hurting people because there were things lacking in her own life.

    Take away that power and look at what we have, a "victim."

    I doubt she has proof that I visited her website two weeks in a row. I don't recall doing that. I know I visited it at some point to see what or if she stated anything about myself, Kathie, Starla, or the other people she has harrassed for so long. When I realized that she was not using that site for her lies such as other sites, I didn't return.

    I doubt anyone was ever really "stalking" her, I believe there was documentation being collected in case it was ever needed for court.

    Funny how she claims those as proof that her FB account was hacked. Those are clearly FB "wall posts" that any of "Mary Thompson's" "friends" could see.

    All I know is if any of this goes to court there is going to be a lot that everyone is going to have to answer for.

  5. Jullie said it the best. She is a victim of herself. And after the anger I felt this morning, I realize that it's eating at the good parts of me. I won't let it do that, anymore. Neither she nor her buddies will have that power.
