Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Day After....

Yesterday was the hearing for Raye Dawns petition to get half or more of the DHS settlement awarded to Lance Briggs.  No, I didn't go and yes I had said that I was.  So what?  Things happen and change. That doesn't mean that I "lied" as Jody states today.  My daughter and grandbaby are here, got here Tues. and I decided to spend time with my family.  See, family is what is important, not Raye Dawn.  The Judge isn't going to give her any of that money anyway.  Wondering why Jody cared so much? I try to forget the stalking, and how big of a deal my simple words are to her, next time my plans change, I will try to remember to post them so she knows and doesn't get worked up over it. Someone said maybe I should feel "special" that the day that was supposed to be for Raye, I was singled out and mentioned on her blog. lol yeah boy don't I. (puke) Some say that shows how deep her obsession with me is. ???  Of course she states that she only reads posts on Topix with her name, guess what? Her name was not in that post. Don't know why she cares whether I was there or not.  Seems she was bragging how there were 22 supporters there for Raye and you notice in parenthesis..."(The Briggs had a few of their family members there and one friend, Lori-there were seven for their side. Of course Starla and Jullie lied about going.)".  I didn't know she would consider this a competition or maybe I would have taken time and went.  See, the Briggs do not need to see me there in person to know they have my full support. THEY understand the importance of family and spending time with your children and never know what might happen.  Time with family is more important than Raye Dawn or Jody's apparent competition or her obsession/stalking.  Sometimes you try to forget your stalker is so focused on you, and tries to watch your every word. And Jullie didn't lie, as I stated, things come up, plans change and that doesn't make anyone a "liar" that is just.. Life As It Is....
More on the hearing later, things to do today....


  1. I didn't realize that the stalker had gotten to the point where she was sitting in the court room literally counting how many people were there to support Raye, and how many were there for the Briggs. She must have been watching for you and Jullie as well, which is a little scary to think about. Her obsession knows no bounds. And how does she know what either of you look like?

  2. She doesn't. But unlike some I have no reason, need nor want to lie. I wasn't there, and knew a couple days before the hearing I would not be going. I am spending time with my grandbaby and daughter AND Kathie and I had discussed me coming prior, when the weather started calling for more snow in my area, and we DID get more snow yesterday. Kathie although she stated she would have loved for me to be there for support was concerned for my safety if the weather turned worse than they were calling for. We still have ice from Christmas here and two snows since. I see what you are saying and I agree. Just to let you know her count of the "Briggs" support were wrong. Will be interesting to see what her interpretation of the "testimony" will be.

  3. Jody states she doesn't know who we are, and never had any contact with us. That is an outright lie!

    Yet she is so quick to label others as liars?

    I hope that once things have settled down those who have libeled the Briggs' all this time will be held accountable for their crimes.

    The saying, "Give people enough rope and they will hang themselves", is true.

    I didn't have a problem with Truth Seeker/Jody at first, I just didn't agree with her theory that Raye was innocent of what she was convicted of.
    I also didn't like how she was so harshly judging the Briggs' and trying to lay the blame on them for Kelsey's abuse and murder.
    She ran them through the mud based on things she "claimed" they did in their past.
    Things that had nothing to do with the abuse and murder of Kelsey. Things that to this day have never been PROVEN!

    The focus of TS/Jody's hate was ALWAYS on the Briggs', not on Michael Lee Porter!

    This is why I never gave anything she stated any credibility.

    In fact, in our first correspondence she stated that she didn't believe Michael murdered Kelsey. She stated she believed it was from a rollercoaster ride and Porter's attempts to revive Kelsey.
    She also stated in a youtube message that Porter didn't beat Kelsey.

    She has attacked me and others because we discussed Kelsey's case on a Topix board.


    Because based on all the documents available we believe Raye is guilty of at least what she was convicted of.

    It makes no sense unless of course there is a hidden agenda!

  4. As Jody herself stated, Lori was there. Guess what? She took notes too. I bet her notes will be different from Jody's! If it is NOT, then it SHOULD BE against the law for someone to show up at a public hearing and take "notes" that are full of lies and inaccurate statements and post them as the truth on public web sites. From what I hear, Jody lied several times and I can't wait to read the notes Lori took when she posts them on KP.
