Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The ball is in now in your court......

So...EVERYONE says they want this madness to stop.  So how do we stop it? I'd like to know what has to be done to call a truce? (for lack of a better word at the moment)
Seems nothing we've tried in the past has ever helped to stop it.  We stop posting about her and it still continues.  Now she says she doesn't want to "sue", she just wants it to stop. So, what does that mean exactly?  NONE of us she has accused has done the things she says.  I, nor any KP member I know of has "stalked, threatened, harrassed, shot at, broke into her home, keyed her vehicle (as in earlier reports) or any of the things stated has been done to her.  I, nor any KP member I know of has ever told anyone to "go get her" as she says.  I, nor any KP member I know of has "threatened to ruin" her business.  I know she repeatedly posts an email I sent her several years ago, and claims that I attempted to "blackmail" her.  That is NOT true.  There was NO intent of "blackmail", written nor implied in the email I wrote.  I admitted that I wrote it because I have nothing to hide.  I am not responsible for how an individual "interprets" things.  All I am responsible for is the intent on my part.  I have no reason to lie.  I am NOT afraid to face her inside a court room, so no, I am not "backpeddling" or "backing down" from anyone.  I know what the truth is.  AND have the proof to prove it.

With all that being said, if anyone cares to relay to me what her proposition/remedy is on "ending" this crap, I am open and interested to hear it.  I will be honest and say however, if the book is published and has in it the things she threatens to put in there, there will be a future court date.  I will not stand by and do nothing, if I am in that book and lied about.  The "hate", "trashing", "lies" and "madness" has to stop on BOTH sides.  If what it takes to "end this" is one sided and that means that everyone else that doesn't believe Raye Dawn is innocent has to stop posting their opinions and thoughts and facts  and her and her "supporters" as she calls them, can continue to post lies, trash, promote hate towards others, etc, then I don't believe that is a genuine plea/offer of "ending the madness".  You spoke publicly of wanting this crap to stop.  I for one am willing to listen to what your proposition/remedy is to stopping it.  The ball is in your court now.

Now,... only because in the past, things have been misunderstood?, interpreted wrongly, whatever the case may be..., let me make this VERY clear.  Nothing in this post is expressed, implied nor intended to be "threatening", to be "blackmail" or anything of such nature.  All I'm trying to do is find out since she says she wants this to end, what it will take from her prespective to end the nonsense going on.  As I said, the ball is now in your court.  You know my email address, you can email me, or you can have someone relay your thoughts on how to stop all the crap going on .... I assure you I can be civil and grown up...

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