Friday, February 5, 2010

"Your truth" vs. KELSEY'S truth

I've stated in the past, that with some of RD's" friends", she needs no enemies.  To me, here is another clear example.  You now have some of her supporters changing yet another story.  NOW, the story is....that the redness in Kelsey's eye was from "glass" in her eye from the truck accident.  Really.
 Do these people not understand that when they state things like this it just proves Raye Dawn MORE negligent and look moreso a horrible "mother"?  Seriously.  And see, this is something that I have a SERIOUS problem with.  People making crap up just to try to "help" Raye Dawn.  Apparently the person doing this, either really does not know this case as well as claimed or...doesn't care.  But that person cannot just "re-write" this case.  This is not one of their ficticional writings/books.  This case is real life, the words and actions already written and lived out.  Just because you go back and re-write it afterwards, doesn't make your fantasy become the reality.  The reality of it all has already been written by God and lived out by the characters in real life.

See, Raye Dawn already testified about the retinal hemorage in Kelsey's eye.  She stated it was there before the wreck.  She even told the triage nurse it was already there.  Now, I'm sure you wish she hadn't admitted that to the nurse or in court, but as I said, those things cannot be re-written and changed.  Why must you always try to change the reality of this case? Try to change the truth?? It really isn't helping Raye Dawn at all, nor in getting people to believe the rest of what you have to say about this case.  Most people don't like being lied to, or presented manipulated facts.

As for the bruising on Kelsey's face that this same person is trying to also blame on the accident, that bruise was already noted PRIOR to the truck accident.  As Shonya stated "Also the big bruise on the left side of Kelsey's face was documented by the social worker around 6 p.m. on the night of August 19th, 2005, hours BEFORE the wreck."  Another part of Kelsey's story that cannot be re-written to fit the agenda of freeing raye dawn. 

This is Kelsey's case and Kelsey's truth,  not yours.   You have no right to try to re-write the events that happened in this case to fit whatever scenario you want them to be.  Recently, this was written on another blog....."Hold on to your truth. That's all that matters."  Wow!  I hope the readers realize what that is saying.  When I first read that statement, I immediately thought...but it isn't "their" truth that matters, it's the real truth...Kelsey's truth, that's what matters!  If that statement would have said ..hold on to the truth....I would have thought nothing of it, but hold on to "your truth"?  It appears from everything from the past few years and what is continuing even today that the real truth of what happened to Kelsey does not matter to some.  Only the fabricated truth that can be used to try to set Raye Dawn free from prison, that appears to be the only "truth" that matters to some.  And that is sooo very wrong for little Kelsey. 

For those who think that Kelsey's truth, the real truth doesn't matter, that only "your truth" is what matters....shame on you!  I often wonder IF these people make it to Heaven, what will Kelsey have to say to them??

"Your truth" vs. Kelsey's truth....which do you think God would choose?

1 comment:

  1. A very powerful post, Starla. You are correct in stating that Raye Dawn's friends are not concerned with the truth about Kelsey. They keep inventing their own version, and that does not serve justice at all. Now they allege that there are photos of Lance hurting Kelsey. Anything to get the focus off of Raye Dawn's crime.
