Saturday, February 6, 2010

It just does NOT add up!!

I have to say, it sure is a good thing that Kathie voluntarily turned over those emails to the DA to secure a  sentence for Porter, or a certain blogger wouldn't have anything at all to talk about and use to stir up crap.  That same person has now rode on the shirt tails of those same emails for what? over 2 years now? LOL   I remember when they first posted them, I was really laughing....they acted like they'd found some "secret weapon" or something!   It was no secret that Kathie had voluntarily turned them all over to the DA. That is the ONLY reason that the person using them against the Briggs even has them! lol  But, I'm sure the blogger knows more about it all than anyone involved....I'm sure they know more about what Kathie's "motive" or reasons behind those emails are, moreso than Kathie herself. You bet'cha.  Anyway, good thing that happened, so they've had something to talk about and use against the Briggs for the past 2 years. 

I also want to say that if anyone has an official "affidavit" to show-- proving that those "counselor" notes about what Whitney allegedly said about her dad is true, by all means post them.  You post everything else, why not that?  I have a few problems with that stuff.  First off being IF that were true, why the heck was a school counselor questioning a child in a murder case? without parents and/or police?  What qualifications does a school counselor have to actually do such questioning?  And IF this conversation actually took place, why didn't the school counselor contact police?  I mean, my goodness, she had evidence in a murder case now didn't she?  It DOES NOT ADD UP!

Another thing....this sentence in the "alleged" counslor's notes..."Whitney told me once she heard a loud thump outside. She went to the back door and saw her dad hitting Kelsey's head on the brick wall."
Ok, if you are INSIDE and someone's head, a child's head, hits the brick, how are you going to "hear" that?  You're not.  And if someone hit a child's head against brick hard enough for you to "hear" it inside, that child's head is going to be bleeding and in very bad shape....enough to be calling an ambulance.  Once again...IT DOES NOT ADD UP! 

WHY didn't RD call this counselor and Whitney to testify at her trial?  I mean come on!  There is (alleged) evidence that proves that someone else was abusing your child and you don't call them to testify at your trial??  Come on!  Seriously!

Does any of this make any sense to anyone?  Or am I the only one that thinks none of this adds up to the truth?

I sit here deeply saddened that the facts and the truth in this case keep getting re-written and added to, just to fit an agenda.  That the facts and truth are manipulated.  That certain people blame everything on everyone BUT Raye Dawn.  And that the horror, pain, confusion and abuse that Kelsey suffered not only that fateful day but for months prior, are minimized.  What is our sad world coming to?



  1. The only sad world exists in the blogger's head. There are many people who love Kelsey, and want to make sure that the whole truth comes out. I do understand your anger and frustration. If one more of the followers of the blogger types in, "normal childhood injuries," I will scream. That poor baby was kept away from the only people who loved her, and abused by the two people who should have fought the hardest to protect her.

  2. If the counselor notes are legit then there should be no problem in proving it.

    Sadly this little girl's identity is all over the internet already. Her pictures and name was on the news too. This child has been put out there.
    It is not fair to quote her without providing proof of her statements.
