Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The TRUTH will not change....

Ok, I'm back for now.  I've been really sick the past few days and am just now feeling ok enough to even be up out of bed.  This asthma stuff is for the birds!  I don't know how you go all these years and all of a sudden have "asthma"....I guess the cold isn't good for asthma...found that out the hard way.

I'm not going to post much right now, but there is a couple of things I want to say real quick.  First of all, I believe in God and I believe in prayer.  I do NOT believe in being a hypocrite.  I also do not believe that you can change the truth and fact with prayer.  You can pray all you want, but just because you are asking God, does not mean he is going to change the truth or facts for you.  They can "pray" all they want for God to make Porter confess, but prayer won't make him confess to something he simply did not do.  It won't miraculously make people who are telling the truth, out to be liars.  Prayer just doesn't work that way.  The lies that are included in prayer are scary.  But that is not for me to deal with, God will deal with that for sure.  I do however think it is very telling instead of "praying" for the truth to be revealed, whatever it may be, they reinforce that it is Mike Porter that is the guilty one.  I guess some just want that to be the truth, so badly they reinforce it by wording it the way they do.  I pray for the truth...the whole truth and the REAL truth to be revealed and proven....whatever the real truth is.  I know that God has a plan and there is a reason....a "purpose" that all of this is going on the way it has....we don't have to like it or understand it.

The next thing is the depositions.  I'm like many others and don't get the "big deal" about Kathie's deposition, and I've not read Lance's yet so will comment on that later.  Kathie did not lie in her deposition.  The things she has said has been the same since the beginning.   But I guess those of us that know the truth and don't put a spin on everything to try to make things something they are not, know that.  The one thing in Kathie's that I'm going to comment on is the thing that is being used by some RD supporters to try to stir up crap.  Kathie does NOT "know" Shonya.  They have never met and have not spoken even on the phone.  They have corresponded through email.  Kathie did not lie.  If she had said she "knew" Shonya, then she'd have been a "liar" because they'd never met or even spoken by phone, I believe no matter what she'd said, like everything else it would have been wrong to a select few that insist on finding crimes in this case where none exist and lay the blame by deflecting from the real guilty parties in this case.  You're not going to get Kathie put in prison or jail for anything....she did nothing wrong...give it up already, it's quite tiring and boring.  They still focus on "the Briggs" and not on the person they insist is guilty...Mike Porter.  Something wrong with that.
I will continue to pray for those that lie and try to manipulate, and deflect from the real issues in this case.


  1. For the person that left the comment on the "other" blog filled with lies, about the pic of Kathie smiling beside of the book.

    What is totally sickening and so damn disrespectful is GAYLA standing on Kelsey's GRAVE, smiling and posing for a pic, and yes I do have proof. Gayla not only disrespected Kelsey by standing smiling on Kelsey's grave. Gayla also proved how heartless she truely is.

    Kathie wasn't on Kelsey's grave smiling.

    You sure do alot of judging when it comes to the Briggs. Maybe you should look at the "whole" story, instead of what J.O. tries to pass off as the truth!!!!!

  2. I guess I missed that comment. You know this whole thing is such a mess. It is very apparent that the main focus of another blogger IS NOT the freedom of Raye Dawn, and apparently not the main focus of her family members that are now speaking out. The MAIN focus seems to be to trash "the Briggs", to find fault in them no matter how small or petty...just anything at al to discredit them, promote hate against them and to blame them for anything at all.

    As I've previously stated, IF they could prove "the Briggs" to be the worst of human kind, it does NOTHING to prove RD's innocence in this case, nor to prove Porter's guilt. I think I will just stop here and blog about this today...this is absurd. Thank you for your post.

  3. FKM supporters have been grumbling about Kelsey's face being on the cover of the new book. But, they see nothing wrong with using her image to attempt to get her mother out of jail. It's acceptable because Raye Dawn was "wrongfully convicted." They are not trying to get Raye Dawn released on anything factual. As you said, there is nothing that exonerates Raye Dawn. It's the same reason why the Briggs are being attacked, right now. FKM wants people stirred up by emotion, not reasoning. They don't want people to think about what actually happened. Take a look at a certain person's blog, for yesterday. She has no proof that either Kathie or Lance abused Kelsey. But, she was so desperate to throw dirt at them, that she posted photos that put an entire military base in danger, just to prove that Lance didn't have to stand on a hill to use his cell phone.
