Saturday, February 13, 2010

Oh...we ARE ready to listen...

To whatever you and the Smiths have to say.

Definition of empathy from the online dictionary:  "em·pa·thy (mp-th)


1. Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives
I disagree that "Jurors usually feel empathy for both sides no matter what they decide or rule".  I'm pretty sure if you ask the jurors in any violent crime, esp. murder of a child that NO ONE has empathy for the guilty.  How can you identify and understand how a mother can either murder her own child, or sit by and not protect her child from another?  How would you understand and identify with the person, their feelings, and motives of the one guilty of killing Caylee Anthony?  Can YOU understand and identify and understand that situation?  What about BTK, Dennis Rader?  Can you identify and understand his feelings and motives when he Bound, Tortured and Killed 10 people, two of them children?  Can you understand and identify what he he did to little Joseph Otero? what about what he did to young Josephine?  I can't, no matter how hard I might try ...understand or identify with that.  And I thank God I can't identify with anything of that sick, disgusting nature.
My response to the recent posted video on another blog about one of the jurors from RD's trial. 
Michelle Reeves wasn't a KP member until AFTER the trial.  I know for a fact and it CAN be proven that KP was shut down during the trial.
"Why wasn't the second autopsy brought into Raye Dawn's trial that shows the sexual assault of Kelsey by Mike Porter?"
Why didn't Raye Dawn introduce it if it "proved" so much?  Easy to answer.  The second autopsy didn't "prove" sexual assault, nor that it was "Mike Porter" that committed sexual assault.  It has NEVER been proven that there was a sexual assault committed in Kelsey's case.  Those that say otherwise, LIE.  THREE ME's could NOT AGREE that took place.  Why do those people who support Raye Dawn insist something like that happened to little Kelsey when it has NOT been proven it had??  Easy again to answer, because to most people who do not know all the evidence and facts in the case think it points more towards Porter.  What that second autopsy DID prove, which was NOT brought up at trial was that there indeed WAS another head injury (a skull fracture) to Kelsey which was in a different stage of healing than the injuries inflicted the day Kelsey was murdered.  It DID prove abuse to Kelsey by other injuries in different stages of healing.  But they don't want to talk about the truth about what that second autopsy DID in fact prove.
"Raye Dawn was never a suspect for murder."
This is also a lie.  Raye Dawn was and IS still considered a "suspect" for Kelsey's murder.  Even the Judge in the recent hearing on the DHS settlement money Raye Dawn tried to get, confirmed her still being a suspect.
"Why was this juror so interested in Raye Dawn getting a long sentence?"
I haven't asked her myself, but she did say that she believes from the evidence presented in court, (as did many) that Raye Dawn murdered Kelsey, most people want to see murderers get " a long sentence".
"Notice her new look and pink shirt in support of the Briggs at Raye Dawn's sentencing"
People who were and still do wear "pink" wear it in support of KELSEY, not "the Briggs".  Why because she has a "new look" does that make her a bad and unfair juror or a "Briggs supporter"?
I don't understand on the video why the "Kathie, Kathie, Kathie, Briggs, Briggs, Briggs"  She only mentions "Kathie" once during the time that is on the screen of the video.
"Juror turned family spokesperson for the Briggs. What????!!!"
I have never seen when said she was the "family spokesperson for the Briggs", nor did I  ever see where any of the Briggs said that Reeves was appointed to speak for their family.  This is just another lie and manipulation of the truth.  This was AFTER the trial and the media was asking HER questions.  By the sentencing she was no longer considered a juror and could speak to the Briggs or anyone else she wanted.  Like I said very misleading statement and implications in this sorry does present the TRUTH.
"Why was she so happy?"
She made it perfectly clear she was happy because Judge Vassar sentenced Raye Dawn to the full sentence the jury recomended.  Plain as day.
"Responsibility for what? She didn't know!"
Her responsibility for what happened to her daughter!  And YES, SHE DID KNOW!  Facts and evidence PROVE she knew Kelsey was being abused!!! (if she wasn't doing it herself)  She was convicted of she knew or should have known, not that she had to know it was "Porter" doing it.  ( which is good cuz then THAT would be a lie, when it was Raye Dawn doing the abuse
Kathie didn't "quit" Kelsey.  That is totally asinine to even say.  They kept saying "What about Kelsey" in the response to that is this....
That is what I would ask you..."What about Kelsey?"  The only time they talk about Kelsey is when it is to benefit freeing her pathetic, sorry mother(my opinion) from prison. So what about her? What about the pain and terror, the confusion, the suffering and plain TORTURE that precious child went through in her 'mother's' care? the day she was brutally murdered?  What about that? 
You wanna know "what about Kelsey?"  Let me tell ya...KELSEY is the victim in this case.  KELSEY was the helpless, defenseless, innocent one that lived for months being abused and in pain and fear, in the very place she should have felt the safest...her own home...with the one person who should have done anything and everything to protect the life of her child...her 'mother' and instead it was the house of horrors, pain and abuse with the person who either KILLED her or allowed her to be killed...her very own 'mother'.  KELSEY is the one who HAD NO CHOICES.  KELSEY IS THE ONE WHO IS DEAD....BRUTALLY BEATEN TO DEATH...MURDERED at the tender age of 2 1/2 on Oct.11, 2005!!  THAT is "what about Kelsey".  I would like to ask Raye Dawn that very question myself.
Raye Dawn got a fair trial.  She's not getting a new trial and even if she did, she's not getting out of her prison cell any time soon.  That's my opinion of course.  Time will tell.  It is clear that the evidence and truth is being seen in court and by the Judges.  Justice for Kelsey is what it's about, it's not about Raye Dawn, it's not about the people that are making up stories to tell, fabricating evidence and misrepresenting the truth and facts of the case and proclaiming that 'they' are a victim in this case.  You cannot change the truth or facts and especially not by posting your opinions as fact.  A lesson they will learn. These are also my opinions.
(3 posts in 24 hours...sorry, just lots to say today) 

1 comment:

  1. Everything you have posted in the last twenty-four hours needed to be said. Try as they might; the facts remain. A baby suffered more pain in her last nine months that most adults have faced in their entire lives. The thing that upsets me the most is that it didn't have to be that way. Kelsey SHOULD have been safe in her own home. Raye Dawn Smith SHOULD have protected Kelsey with every ounce of strength that she had. But, she didn't. She was more preoccupied with getting what she wanted; which was Michael Lee Porter. And Kelsey is dead because of it. RIP baby girl.
