Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Opinions, compassion and forgiveness.....

That Raye Dawn is "wrongfully convicted" is only your opinion, it is not fact.  FACT is, she was convicted in a trial by a jury that SHE passed, in a county SHE accepted by counsel that SHE hired and accepted and SHE did NOT complain about until AFTER SHE was convicted and given a 27 yr sentence.

You say I'm focused on the "wrong person", again that is only your opinion and not what the evidence shows in my opinion.  You think your opinion is right and I think mine is right.  You do not know all of the evidence, you only know what you've been allowed to see and been told, and you do not know for a fact that your opinion is more right than anyone else's, it's nothing more than your opinion, same as mine.  And no I don't know everything, but I do know you don't know the evidence and facts that will be revealed in the book. The book, "Who Killed Kelsey?" will open many eyes to the real truth.

I'm quoting this next part ..." How many times do I have to say it? Did you not read what I believe happened to that child? Have you not read what happened to the child in the last days? Only a man could do this. ONLY A MAN! Statistically the percentage is way too out of the ballpark for a woman, let alone a MOTHER to do this to her child."
What do you mean how many times do you have to say it??  Say it as many times as you feel the need, no matter "how many times" you say it, will not change the facts or make it any more true.  Personally I don't care how many times you say something.  Have I not "read" what happened to "the child" in the last days?? I guess not. I didn't get that memo or read that chapter of the book I guess.  Funny how you state that sentence when your dear friend says NOTHING happened at all until the day Kelsey was killed.  Why don't you enlighten me.  Did I read what you "believe happened to that child"?  Yes I read what you believe happened to Kelsey.  The evidence does not support your beliefs.  And just because YOU believe it, doesn't make it true.  I really do not believe that you know more than 3 ME's who could NOT AGREE that that had happened at all.  Actually the first ME stated IF that happened, it was with an OBJECT.  Since you want to talk statistics...let's.  FACT IS, statistically, when an object is used the majority of the time it IS the mother!! Look it up.

The next part of your post I will quote and respond to is this...."Statistically the percentage is way too out of the ballpark for a woman, let alone a MOTHER to do this to her child. You all cannot be that uneducated and blind. You simply can't hate that much can you?"
Maybe you need to do some research.  It isn't that "out of the ballpark" for a woman OR a mother to do that OR to kill her child.  It happens, and in the best of family's too.  I do not believe sexual assault happened, and IF there was some kind of sexual assault, I fully believe it was Raye Dawn who did it, that is MY OPINION based on the evidence in the case as I know it to be.  I'm just as entitled to that opinion as you are yours whether you like it or not, and I'm sorry but I do not have to have your approval or anyone else's to have my own opinion or to state it as my opinion.

I guess I don't understand people that quote scripture and preach God's Word in one breath and in another make statements such as "Kathie's actions with the murderer, rapist and sodomizer of her grandchild makes me feel very ill."  I honestly don't believe GOD would approve of you stating as fact that he is "the murderer, rapist and sodomizer" when that has NOT been proven, and it has not even been proven there was any kind of sexual assault on Kelsey.  You are judging and convicting him without concrete proof.  Do you really believe that God approves of that?  I don't.   I believe that is what is known as a hypocrite.  Once again the definition of that word is.  1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion

2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

— hypocrite adjective
And I believe in my opinion that you are acting in contradiction in many of your public postings to your stated beliefs and feelings.

Now to answer your question of does it make me ill?  NO, it does not.  I know that Kathie thought at that time that Raye Dawn killed Kelsey, so I do not see anything wrong in her talking to Porter trying to find out what she could about what the hell happened to her granddaughter that day.

You know what builds "distrust in me" for Raye Dawn?  Too many for me to list them all here, but for starters her lying to the OSBI agents in her interviews.  Her ALWAYS having an excuse for Kelsey's injuries and blaming Porter, esp. since her supporters say the injuries were NOT abuse, but "normal childhood injuries".  Her laughing when Kelsey told her Porter hurt her head....her going home after the OSBI told her her daughter was killed by her or Porter and that she might have been sexually assaulted and she goes home and seeks out a vibrator that was still packed in a box from the move and "chucked it". She admits to this.  That people were taking things out of her home during her child's funeral and things were burned.  I mean the list goes on and on and on.
No, I don't excuse Lance for striking Raye Dawn the one time he did, nor do I excuse Raye Dawn for her abusive behavior to not only Lance, but Porter and most importantly Kelsey.  Funny how you deflect and bring up the incident with Lance when he was cussing...that has nothing to do with Raye Dawn, her guilt or innocence.  Lance wasn't on trial nor convicted of a felony crime related to his child's death, that was Raye Dawn.  Why do you focus so much on Lance and Kathie?  Your focus should be on the two that were with Kelsey on Oct. 11, 2005....Porter AND Raye Dawn.  They are the only two possibilities that could have killed that precious baby.
Really? She made some "lousy" choices in men?  WHO CARES??  The "men" weren't the problem...it was her "choices" with HER CHILD!! (and that's IF she didn't kill her!! well I guess if she did too)
You stated "She lost so much more over her mistakes than we can possibly comprehend."  You're right, I can't seem to care enough about her and what SHE lost over "HER MISTAKES" to comprehend it.  I do however care and comprehend that she lost NOTHING compared to what KELSEY lost because of her mom.  And no, I don't "hate" Raye Dawn.  I don't care enough about her to waste the engergy it would take to "hate" her.  Possibly you should try to comprehend who the real victim in this case is and try to comprehend compassion for Kelsey.
You state it's "required" to have compassion for her?  Where was her compassion for her own child before she was murdered? After??  Her empathy for her daughter?  No, I don't believe I am "required" nor does anything "require" compassion for someone evil enough to not have any compassion for their own 2 yr old child that's being abused and then murdered...I have zero tolerence sympathy, empathy, forgiveness or compassion for her or anyone like her.  That's my right as my own person being very capable of thinking for myself, thank you very much.  You obviously can't have compassion or forgiveness for Kathie for what you perceive as something apparently worse than murder, in her correspondence with Porter, so I'm sure with me believing, based on the truth, facts and evidence in this case; that Raye Dawn killed Kelsey, my not having any compassion or forgiveness for the likes of Raye Dawn is something you do understand.
I can most definately agree to disagree.  That's not a problem, in fact, that is fact.  But NO, I most certainly cannot find love and peace in my lack of understanding Raye Dawn and what she most likely did to her daughter and at the least allowed to happen to her daughter.

1 comment:

  1. You bring up some very important points. And, I agree with your opinion that Raye Dawn killed Kelsey. It is difficult to have compassion for someone who continually refuses to take responsibility for ANY of her actions. In the end, it comes down to one simple fact. Raye Dawn stood at a crossroads in her life, in February of 2005. She had to choose between Kelsey and Porter. She chose Porter, and Kelsey is dead because of it.
