Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Promoting hate never stops....

It's really sad that a certain blogger cannot pass up one opportunity to try to promote hate against Kathie Briggs.  WHY does this blogger HATE Kathie Briggs so much?  This person tries so hard to make herself out to be some kind of martyr, when in my opinion what she shows herself to be is one of the most vile, disgusting, evil people I have had the misfortune to come across in my lifetime.

 Her devotion to promoting hate against a grandmother who did everything she could to protect her grandchild, to get someone with the POWER to help save her grandchild to listen and to DO truely not only disheartening and evil but downright scary.  I pray daily for God to protect Kathie and her family.

 Maybe it's jealousy??  Jealousy makes people do strange and evil things.  I don't know what it is, what drives her DAILY to either make the implications, or directly post outright lies, stupid allegations,  misrepresentations of the's always something....daily.  That is what a true stalker does.  That site is monitored daily by Kathie's attorneys, they are also concerned for the well being and safety of Kathie and her family. 

You have to wonder about the mental stability of a person who does these things.  One who has so many websites you wonder how there is enough time to keep them all up....something posted on one site, on another....totally different words about the same thing as the other site...scary.

This person whines about how rough her life is because of this person and that person, then several blogs later blames it on yet another person....the one she has "given everything up for".  If you become so obsessed with a person that it hurts your family life, your personal life, your career.....there's a serious problem.  When you lose your home because of financial difficulties because of your obsession...there's a serious problem.  But that person has no one to blame but themselves.  Although they try to blame it on everyone and everything else.  Sad.

One by one the supporters following RD that have been manipulated, outright lied to, intentionally mislead and had the real facts presented to them being twisted and misrepresented are finding out how bad they have been manipulated, lied to, etc. and they are dropping their support one by one.  People don't like to be lied to and made out to be fools by someone they have believed and put their faith in.  I feel sorry for those that have been lied to and manipulated by this same person.  And it all reflects back to Raye Dawn and the Smith clan.  People are opening their eyes and seeing the real truth.  After the book, "Who Killed Kelsey?" is released, they will lose more support for RD.  When it comes back with the decision that there will NOT be a new trial for RD, there's not going to be many supporters left to care.  Sad for Raye Dawn, really.  Most of those that have withdrawn their support have come to see that at the very least Raye Dawn knew, most have come to the conclusion that she did it. 

Please pray for the safety and well being of Kathie and her family.  Things are going to get way worse before they get any better, and their is grave concern for their safety in the near future.  God Bless...


  1. I pray that God watches over the Briggs family, in the face of such obvious danger. This person to whom you refer is setting several unbalanced people on a journey that could end very badly. Will this ever end?

  2. I agree Mary. Will it ever end? Hopefully before someone gets hurt or worse. But when you are dealing with people that are delusional,have an admitted obsession, in denial, and that have such a hateful vendetta such as is displayed towards the Briggs...and because of what?...the outcome is up in the air...and it is obviously dangerous and scary. God Be with Kathie and her family.

  3. Ok, according to the blogger she didn't "lose" her home. That is what I was told by a fkm supporter, so who knows? Of course now I am "lying" lol I would sure be willing to go lie for lie with this person and see who's stacks up the highest since this case started!! lol Oh well, no worries. I guess I shoulda said..."it's been reported that"....instead of how I said it. Still would go tit for tat on the "lies"....

  4. Break out the hip boots, friend. The poop is gonna get mighty deep on the other side.
