Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Laughter in the morning is good.....LOL

Ok, So I'm reading the smoking bomb affidavits regarding the jury in RD's trial and am getting a good chuckle to start the day off with.  This crap is what they are soo proud of and relying on to get her a new trial??? lol    Holy Moly Batman!!!  

I'm not going to reply to each one, just a couple. 

Exhibit C....

"Ms. Oldham told Mr.(name's blacked out) she was going to....."
"Ms. Oldham  admitted to Mr. (name's blackedout) that she would...."  "She also admitted to my roommate, Mr. (name's blackedout) that she reviewed Kelsey Briggs' website during the trial"  *note* "KP was NOT up during the trial and this can be proven.  It was not accessible during that time. Whatever "Kelsey Briggs website she was supposedly visiting was not KP.

"Ms. Oldham told Mr." (name blackedout)

I think you get my point....this is "hearsay", the affidavit should be from "Mr. (name blackedout) NOT from someone else.  This affidavit is useless as evidence in a court of law.  I am very surprised at some of these that Jone's is using. But guess  something  is better than nothing.  

Statements in Exhibit E (I guess there is no identifying Exhibit letter on the page) that the personal "opinion" of the person writing the affidavit is that two jurors already had their minds made up and the reasons given by this person are not "PROOF", ONLY opinion.  "I believe that" not any proof of their opinion.

Exhibit F...
"I heard that after the verdict was announced, the Briggs family...."
"I heard that Lance Briggs...."
Again, another worthless "affidavit" because this person didn't hear this for themselves but was TOLD these things...these statements are "hearsay" and worthless as evidence.
Not anything that I can see in ANY of these affidavits to warrant a new trial, they are all a joke and show a VERY desperate try at finding something, anything at all to use.  Sad in my opinion.


  1. You are right about the documents supporting Raye Dawn's appeal. They are absolutely ridiculous. One of the grounds they are claiming is that her previous attorney failed to adequately prepare Gayla. Prepare her for what? To lie? And how did the judge not notice NINE sleeping jurors? They are really struggling, right now.

  2. You can see how desperate they are but, Raye Dawn is "innocent"? Please! They know good and well that the law states that she either knew or SHOULD have known. There is NO getting around that "SHOULD" part just because a few people don't agree with it. The law is the law is the law, Jody!!!

    I HIGHLY doubt that Raye Dawn will even get an evidence hearing and a new trial would be a total long shot. Those affidavits do NOT prove juror misconduct. Starla is right, where is the affidavit from Mr. so and so who actually witnessed this alleged misconduct?

    Jones is taking the Smith family for a ride and they are so blind, stubborn and desperate that they are willing to take it! It's actually kind of funny when you think about KARMA.
