Saturday, April 17, 2010

Everyone knew things would get worse once the truth in the book came out.  It was expected.  Those that deny and fight the truth often become more vicious, as has happened in this case. 

Calls from the Smith family and supporter have been made to media, following interviews from the authors of the book "Who Killed Kelsey?"  They state things in the book are lies, tell their side of it, then when the media people follow up and check the facts, it's not the book that has told the lie(s), it's the people making the calls.

The book has definately caused quite a stir.  The way Gayla and Sheri are acting- maybe people after reading the book are coming to the conclusion that Raye Dawn killed Kelsey.  I know several people whom i've talked with that have read it, that's the conclusion they have come to.  They just can't stand it when Kelsey and/or the Briggs get any kind of attention or media time and the Smiths don't.  Their jealousy of the Briggs family is very evident. 

They have alot to be jealous of too.  Unlike the Smith family, the Briggs family are a VERY close family.  Unlike the majority of the Smith family, the Briggs family are very supportive of each other.  Kathie looks after and loves to watch her grandchildren any time she gets a chance.  I remember being told by a Smith family friend that one time when it was mentioned who Kelsey was being left with, Gayla made the statement to this person that she "didn't care who was watching her as long as it wasn't her."  I wonder if she remembers when she said that...I wonder if she even cares.  Personally, sadly I don't think she does.  There is such a difference when you look at pictures of Kathie with Kelsey than the pictures of Gayla and Kelsey.  You can see the love in Kathie's eyes, her interatcions with Kelsey in the videos...just as it should be full of love and care, pride and joy! 

I've never heard Kathie lose her patience with any of her granchildren, and no one has ever said they have noticed that with her either.  But the stories told of how Gayla acted and reacted with Kelsey are heartwrenching.  I would like to think that her memories of how she treated that precious child haunt her and fill her with regret.  Kathie is an awesome grandma.  Her grandchildren are very lucky to have her in their lives. 

There's been so much chaos and drama surrounding this case....even now...over 4 years later.  Why?  What and/or who is causing it?  Those that support RD and the person who "leads" that support, all say Mike Porter killed Kelsey, that RD not only didn't kill her, but didn't even know she was being abused.  Amazing.  She's been exonerated by the group of any responsibility whatsoever in not only Kelsey's death, but in her safety and well being in general.  I know they hold tight that RD's appeal will come back in her favor.  It's not going to.  Those judges are not that stupid.  The evidence is clear.  When you take out all the personal opinions, the personal interpretations and just look at the cold hard's evident who is responsible.  And that's the way the Judges will see it....evidence and facts only.  Not someone's made up "this is the way I want it to have happened" version, or that persons opinions and personal interpretations mixed in.  THANK GOD for that.  The ridiculous accusations in the appeal will be seen for what they are.

What I don't get is IF they REALLY think that Porter did it, WHY is all their efforts and focus on trashing the Briggs family members and trying to make them look guilty of anything and everything they can find to use?  Why isn't their vigorous efforts and vengeful HATE focused on the one they think is guilty?  The ONLY two possiblities is Raye Dawn Smith or Mike Porter, killed Kelsey.  It is impossible that any of the Briggs had anything to do with it.  Yet some sick, evil people have said Kathie is to blame for Kelsey's death.  Not only is that ridiculous, it is just plain outright mean and cruel.  I mean gosh, none of the Briggs were even allowed to see Kelsey the last few months of her life, so if they want to blame someone other than Porter or Smith, why not blame those that saw Kelsey those last months?  Sheri and Gayla certainly saw her.  They saw that baby's condition and how she was deteriorating.  Gayla testified in court, "we was starting to watch him" meaning Porter.  As hateful, spiteful and evil minded as she is, I really believe that IF she REALLY tho't that Porter was responsible for the bruising and the things happening to Kelsey...she would have called the police and turned him in.  I think she knew it was Raye Dawn and just did nothing.  She probably didn't think it would come to the point that Kelsey would die.  And it didn't seem to phase her much when she got the call that fateful afternoon from her daughter telling her what she'd done.  That's what I think happened.  I think RD called Gayla after fatally injuring Kelsey, Gayla left work and went to help RD stage the scene to set up Porter.

We all see where all the hate comes from, who starts it, who keeps it stirred up and who can't stand it if they aren't in the middle of all the attention.  Jody at first denied that her book was about "Kelsey's case", now she says it will blow the case wide open...I have to laugh at that, she couldn't blow anything wide open because she's not trusted enough to be privy with certain information as is evident by some emails I saw.  Maybe that is why she fabricates so much "stuff", because she isn't fed enough.  She states that SHE is a public figure in this  I was happy to make sure the attorney's got those pages copied for sure. 

I feel sorry for Jody to a point.  It's obvious she has been used just as she uses others and she probably deserves that for all her lying and manipulation, but what drives her to keep all the hate stirred up and focused on the Briggs and a couple of people who support Kelsey and the Briggs?  What causes her to spend sooo much time promoting the hate towards the Briggs?  The Briggs have done nothing to her, real or imagined.  Her pathetic attempts at accusing "KP" members of everything bad in her life, real and imagined is pathetic.  Anyway, I do feel sorry for her that her life is so unhappy and unfullfilled that she has to rely on her lies and manipulations on the internet about innocent people to make her feel a little bit important.  I am worried about her mental status.  If the Briggs do sue for all her crap, I hope the team of attorney's ask for a subpeona for her medical and psychiatric records.  The blog alone should be enough to secure a subpeona.  I believe she is fully capable of harming the Briggs family, especially Kathie.  Her jealousy or whatever it is of Kathie, is quite alarming. 

As always the things written in my blog are my thoughts, feelings and opinions to which i'm entitled, unless otherwise stated as fact.  Sometimes I wish that I was evil enough to just come on here and start making up crap and state it as fact, but I just can't lower myself to her level, that isn't me.  And I really do thank God, I don't have the capability to be like her, it has to be a confusing, lonely and pathetic existence.

1 comment:

  1. It really is very sad. The destruction of innocent people just keeps going on and on.
