Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New week...it is what it is

A new week!  yay!  Countdown is on until we get the final results from the Appeals Court on Raye Dawn's appeal.  I can't wait!  The nightmare will be over for the most part.  Everyone will be able to go on with their lives and forget about her and she can finally settle in and get used to her new home without people giving her such false hope.  She's guilty at the VERY least of what she was convicted and right exactly where she belongs.  After the recent hearing it's pretty safe to say, she's not going anywhere for a very long time.  Justice for Kelsey as much as can be in this case when you are dealing with two liars, will have been served. 

Personally I wish there was a hearing to give the good news. 
I'd love to see the look on her face when she's told she's NOT getting out.  I think she knows that though, how could she not?  Not one hearing in a court of law on anything to do with this case has went her way...not one.  I don't hold any hope on those who are staunch in their belief that she is "innocent'' will ever come to realize they are wrong.  Many have been misled from the very start, facts and information in this case twisted into something it's not in order to gather followers and supporters by one person.  Sad when people think someone has "inside" information and all it is, is the ''opinion'' of that person, or something simply made up.  When you stand for the truth, there is no need to lie or twist or make things up.  It is what it is.

A couple of behind the scenes things that will be coming down the pike, which are good and positive things.  The new book that is being worked on and I can't wait until it's ready.  Good things come to those who wait, as we have all found out with this whole trial mess.

A few have a road trip coming up, to meet a Kelsey supporter.  That will be fun and a good stress reliever taking a trip with some awesome women!  You never know what you might learn on such a trip! lol

We got some MUCH needed rain and am loving the cooler weather...for now lol  70's & 80's the rest of the week!  Gotta love October in Oklahoma! 

Guess that's about all for now....I have some more news but will be contacting some of you individually about that.  If you don't hear from me in the next couple days, please contact me. I get easily sidetracked when so much is going on!  Take care all and have a wonderul week!  Blessings to all~

1 comment:

  1. A new week and the countdown for the final news on Raye Dawn's appeal sounds wonderful to me. It certainly seems like this wait has been going on forever, doesn't it? The Briggs family deserves some peace. I hope you enjoy your road trip. I haven't been on one in years. They're a blast. Say hello to the Kelsey Supporter that you are going to meet, for me. I would love to meet everyone, myself. Things are going to change in the new year for me; but I will fill you in on that privately. I am also looking forward to the new book coming out. It's about time that all the lies spread by those two, are stripped away. Hugs, kiddo.
