Friday, October 15, 2010

Exciting news!

I was given permission last night to post about this exciting news! 

An insider to the Smith family for over 30 years has been writing a book.  This book will give inside information as to what life was like in that family before Kelsey, during the time Kelsey was alive...which includes the time of the abuse and after. 

I've read the rough draft of what's been written.  Very well written and VERY informative.  This book will address rumors and truths alike that have been going around for the past few years. 

It includes short interviews and/or quotes from others that have inside information as to what transpired through the years.  The readers will be shocked.  Some of the contributors to the content have stated that they wish they would have came forward when Kelsey was alive.  Don't we all.  Although too late for Kelsey, I think the book is good and needed information.  Maybe it will help someone who reads it to see that they need to speak out about a situation they are aware of....before it's too late.

The book will most likely be self published, but I do know that a family member of a major top publishing company in the world is waiting for the finished product.  We'll see what happens.

I will keep my readers informed of the progress.  No release date is set as of now.  This has been an emotional rollercoaster for the author of this book.  I don't know how she's done it.  What I have read has broken my heart...again.

Keep the author of the book in your prayers, that she has the strength and courage to get through these memories and facts.   Thank you.


  1. I pray for the author of this book, and salute her for her courage to come forward. May God bless her.

  2. Starla that is wonderful!

    I am glad that those rumors are finally going to be addressed. I'm sure that there are people who won't like what is said because it will be true, which is something they have a problem with because they are trying to rewrite the events to suit their truth.

    I am also glad that you guys will finally be coming to Michigan to visit me! We are going to have so much fun!

  3. Thank you Mary. Amber, I'm glad the rumors will be laid to rest finally. She's been working on this for awhile now, just hard to get through which is to be expected as close up and personal as it all is for her.
    This tell all book will be something you won't want to miss for sure. I can't wait to read some more. Some things I knew but there's plenty I didn't. She's a strong woman to confront this with the dignity she is too. What a story.
    The road trip is long overdue. I can't wait to see your little one too. So precious! Will be an interesting fun filled trip for sure! lol I'll let you know our final travel plans soon! Call me later when you get off work. And thanks!
