Sunday, October 10, 2010

More lies....

This was recently posted on the FB page for RD, and is full of lies.

" He told Kathie whatever she wanted to hear. She promised Porter a plea deal if he helped her. She then went to the DA (who'd been on the Smith's side before this) and threatened him if he didn't charge Raye with something that would stick. After Raye was charged, Porter got a plea deal, dropping the murder and sexual assault charges and pleading guilty to Enabling Child Abuse. The Briggs justify their excuse for asking the DA for a deal with Porter as them not being able to sit through a murder trial. Yet they were able to sit through Raye's trial. Unreal." 

They are talking about Porter and Kathie.  I didn't copy the whole post.  Kathie did NOT PROMISE Porter a plea deal, NOR did any of the Briggs ASK for a plea deal for Porter.  See??  Simple lies like this is what they tell to try to paint a picture of Raye Dawn being "railroaded" into prison.  WHY?  If you can't prove her innocence by telling the TRUTH, then that should tell all you supporters of hers something....maybe that she is NOT innocent???

And Kathie nor no one "threatened" the DA to "charge Raye with something that would stick".  How ridiculous. 

PORTERS ATTORNEY is the one who went to the DA and asked for the plea.  Why don't these people know this?  Or do they and just intentionally LIE about it?  That part is easily proven.  Call the DA and ask him or how about Porters attorney?  Either one of them can tell you the truth (but many of you "RD Supporters" won't like it, you never do like the truth)  Either one of them can explain the simple process of that plea with any of you. 

And Kathie didn't say they couldn't sit through a murder trial but could RD's.  One of the big factors was Kathie didn't want Porters child to have to testify against her father.  Another MAJOR factor was Kathie did not believe the evidence showed OR proved that Porter was the killer.  She believed at that time and still does that Raye Dawn killed Kelsey, so WHY would she want to try to prosecute someone for a crime they don't believe he committed? or a charge that he would simply walk on??  Trying to make Kathie Briggs out to be an evil woman does not make Raye Dawn Smith any less guilty in this crime.  And I hate to break it to those less fortunate in the truth....but Kathie does not control the DA or the whole state of Oklahoma like ya'll try to imply.  Common sense goes a lonnng way people!

1 comment:

  1. I think no one is more surprised than Kathie to hear that she controls the entire state of Oklahoma, and the media of America. Wait, I forgot. She also owns the internet. I keep thinking of poor Whitney Porter having to take the stand. Yeah, she's twelve now, instead of the eight year old she was when Raye murdered Kelsey. But having to answer hostile questions about her father is still going to rip her heart out. Hell, I'd have trouble with that, and I'm an adult. But the FKM doesn't care. All that matters is getting Raye Dawn released. Whitney is just collateral damage to them. I guess you can add her as the third knotch on Raye's belt. She drank and drugged until the first baby died in utero. Then, she killed Kelsey. Now, there's Whitney. She means nothing to these sorry excuses for humanity. And she is the one that has my sorrow and pity. Screw the rest of them.
