Saturday, June 12, 2010

Fantasy vs. Reality is harmful to real victims

It makes me upset when people who make stuff up, compare their fantasy land to real stalking and real domestic violence.  It's people like that, that make it hard on REAL victims of domestic violence!  Women who report false reports of DV, should be held accountable for their lying! and filing of false reports!  I've said that for years and still believe that.   

As a real victim of DV, it is very upsetting to see someone claiming to be a "victim", when they are only a victim in their own mind.  And when you know the things they claim even if they were half true, are NOT in any way ANY comparison to what a real Domestic Violence victim goes through and suffers during the beatings, threats, stalking and harrassment of their abusers.

I'm no longer a victim, I am a survivor.  Unfortunately, I know the real deal.  To me, those that make crap up and live in some sick fanatsy land where they make themselves a supposed "victim", are very sick people.  They are the one's who make it hard to get laws in place to help real victims.  They are the one's who make it hard to get LE to do their jobs.  As a former victim I am truely OFFENDED at the snow job some try to blanket others with.  It is disgusting and very offensive to a true victim. 

And how can a person claim they were burglarized, when they were NOT "broken" in to and they say nothing was stolen??  READ the definition of words you choose to use to paint yourself as a victim!!  geeze.......I better quit here, I just wanted to put in my two cents to some questions I've been approached with lately. 

Amazing how far some people will go to get the attention they crave and need so desperately, and how much damage they do to others on their plight to convince people they are a "victim", so they can FEEL important and be someone and something.....sad to WANT to be known as a "victim".....that I will never understand.  REAL victims don't WANT to be victims!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. Every time one of those particular fantasies gets any sort of attention; the real suffering of domestic violence victims is minimized. And a lot of these same victims make the sad decision to keep silent. That is wrong on so many levels. I also wish that this country did have some sort of legal penalty that could be imposed on the people who make these false and misleading reports.
