Monday, May 24, 2010

Talk about "uncalled for"...

Ok, I've tried to stay away from all the lies being posted and the negativity but I AM going to respond to something recently posted on a blog and the comments to it.

Yes, maybe what Lance said was uncalled for. A lot of people by their own admissions, including Jody, Wendy and others from the Raye Dawn camp have made statements that were uncalled for, whether out of anger/frustration, etc. Once again, why is it ok for those individuals to make mistakes and/or to say things that even they themselves have admitted was wrong and uncalled for, but it is not ok for the FATHER of a murdered child to make statements once in awhile out of anger or frustration? His child was viciously taken from him, how do you expect him to react to the woman he believes in his heart, killed his child?? Myself, I think Lance has handled things pretty well, pretty much kept his cool over and during this whole thing. I can assure you he has remained much calmer than I would have if my 2 yr old child was murdered in such a manner in the same circumstances!! Or any child of mine for that matter was viciously murdered.

I'm sorry to inform some of you, that to paint Lance Briggs as an evil man is NOT going to change the FACTS of this case. It also will not help in freeing the woman who either killed her child or enabled the abuse that killed her daughter, from her rightful place in prison. There simply is NO POINT in tearing down an already broken man. It's disgusting to say the least.   Now if you want to talk about "uncalled for"...we can definately talk.....

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely right. The people you have mentioned are beginning to remind me of a collection of vultures waiting to pick apart Lance's flesh. They need to leave him alone and let him try to heal.
