Thursday, May 6, 2010

The book" Who Killed Kelsey?"

I have been contacted with concerns of things being posted about Britten Follet and the "Who Killed Kelsey?" book.

First of all, I don't know of anyone who supports the book, that is in favor of, or supports children reading this book.  The book is very graphic as the book IS the REAL TRUTH about this case and child's murder.  Children are however attracted to Kelsey's story.  The t-shirts are not a sin nor a crime.

There should be no concern...there has NOT been any attempts, nor will there ever be any attempts of any kind, to try to put this book in the libraries of our elementary schools for young children to read. 

The attempts at promoting hate against the group "KP" using this book is atrocious.  "KP" has nothing to do with this book.  Those that continue to bash the book and do not like the back cover of the book displaying the autopsy photo, of course don't like it because they have been minimizing Kelsey's injuries the day she was murdered this whole time.

As for the use of the "f" word twice in the book, these were direct quotes from Raye Dawn herself.

Parents of any young child should always monitor what their children are reading.  A child does not have the money nor the means to purchase the book on their own, so if a child reads it...blame the parents, not the authors of the book.  That is ridiculous on and of itself...there are billions of books written and sold that children should not be allowed to read, but does NOT mean the book shouldn't be written.

If Raye Dawn or her supporters do not like the real truth exposed in this book, then Raye Dawn should have given Kelsey a better life...a life she deserved.

This book would not have been written at all if Raye Dawn Smith would have protected her child and/or not killed her.

The truth hurts sometimes but it is what it is.  Facts cannot be changed to suit one's own "story".


  1. Nor can copyright laws. They amaze me. Certain people talk about morality and how evil and biased that book is. Yet, they have no qualms in stealing a title that was copyrighted, and used it as a link to their web site of lies. I guess this world is filled with people like that. And they know who they are.

  2. No worries. Attorny's have been notified and are on top of it. Would bet we will be seeing a C&D sent to two people involved. We know who owns the website. Hugs to you!
