Wednesday, December 30, 2009

So much to say, so little time to say it...

Ok, so I'm not real good already at keeping this up.  Too many things going on right now to keep up with I guess.  I have a purpose for starting this...honest. 
My children scared the living daylights out of me last night.  They went to Kansas and my son swerved to miss an animal in the road.  The backend of the car came around and they started spinning and ended up in the ditch, stuck.  They had two of my grandchildren in the car with them, stranded out in the dark in the middle of nowhere.  My son called my son in law and he took his dodge dually to go pull them out.  Unfortunately, he got stuck too, buried his truck nearly to the frame.  He called HIS dad and he came and got them all out safely.  My daughter was a little "snappy" on the phone, scared her because she thought they were going to roll. A 3 1/2 hour trip ended up taking about 7 1/2.  At least they are all ok and safe.

I'm anxiously awaiting the hearing in OKC for Raye Dawn Smiths motion to get her hands on half the money from the DHS settlement in the death of her daughter, Kelsey Briggs.  Amazing to me and totally wrong in my opinion, that someone who is sitting in prison, serving a 27 yr sentence for a part in their child's death/murder, can even file such a thing. Totally wrong.  No, she's not been convicted of murdering her child, but she's not been charged or tried on that charge....yet.  But we will be working on getting that done.

I have stated since I first became aware of this case that in my opinion, she's the one who killed Kelsey, and have never waivered from that opinion.  Recent things revealed only sealed that opinion more strongly, if that was possible.

I'll be glad when Raye's appeal decision is made and announced.  I fully believe that she will NOT get a new trial, nor will she be released from prison. She's there for the remainder of her sentence I believe.
Anyone who stumbles upon my blog and is not aware of Kelsey's case here are a couple of sites to look at.

The last one is the website to the new book that is coming out in Jan. 2010. New information, never released before will be in this book.  They leave the decision up to you to decide who the real murderer is, but by the end of the book, with all the facts and evidence, there's no question. 

I have to say that because of Kelsey's story, I have acquired some very special friends in my life.  One of them being Kelsey's paternal grandmother, Kathie Briggs.  I am always amazed at her courage, her strength, and her class in dealing with all that has happened to her and her family, not only with facing Kelsey's death and murder, but also the horrible things that people have done to them, the lies they boldly make up and state as fact, the stalking and harrassing that has ensued since and still continues to this day.  Things are escalating in that area even as I write this.  One person, the self appointed leader of the Raye supporters group is hot and heavy on that now.  This is the same person that was identified as the woman in the pickup that committed road rage against Kathie's husband and two of his employees, when she almost ran them off the hiway.  The same person who has manipulated the truth and facts in this case and posts her own opinions as fact.  She's getting very bold in her accusations at this point.  I'm scared for Kathie and her family's safety, when the appeals decision comes down and Raye stays in prison.  I have a feeling things are going to get dangerous for Kathie.  Nutcases come in all sizes, shapes and forms and know no boundaries.  The very person who is accusing Kathie and I of serious crimes is actually the person who has committed the same against Kathie and myself.  My life has been threatened and harm to my family because of my opinions on this case.  I won't back down, I stand for the real truth and facts.  Their scare tactics and accusations are annoying, but will not shut me up.  Anyway, more on that subject later. lol
Still too much snow on the ground but at least we didn't get what was forcast for us last night.  I'm ready for summer and it's not Jan. quite yet.....going to be a long, cold winter...uuggh.
Must get something done today, so that's all for now.

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