Saturday, August 14, 2010

Life is busy...but good!!

Wow, what a week it has been!  Life is busy, busy, busy.  It's at times like this that I have to wonder how Kathie Briggs has managed to keep her sanity.  Life is full of hoops and curves all on it's own.  Then to have to deal with the hate, the threats and the continuous efforts of one person to destroy's a bit much, but somehow Kathie manages to get through it and maintain her dignity.  Seems someone has been very busy promoting their lies and hate.  And it's getting some attention, just not the kind they wanted or thought.  It's said..."be careful what you wish for" and sometimes that's true. 

Sometimes people draw attention and sympathy for the very one's they are trying to destroy, not themself.  They are shut down because of their deceit and lies, but give platform to those they tried to take down.  Along the way, someone in the background takes notice and before long in their research for the truth, they become disgusted at the crucifixion of the innocent and they become involved to right a wrong, without being approched, without being recruited, without the lies and deceit...and it's on.

Seems when you contact people and you deceive them, when they find out you aren't on the up & up, and they take a look at the facts for themselves, they are no longer interested in being a part of  spreading your diseased lies and hate. ( Imagine that.)  And without the participation and presentation of the truth...they just aren't intersted in the lies and deceit being promoted any sorry about that.

I wonder how a person's conscience allows them to do some of the things people do.  Is fame and fortune worth trying to destroy innocent people?  I guess to some it is.  Is it worth destroying yourself and becoming a failure in the process?  I guess to some it is if you can blame your self destruction and failures on others.  I think people that don't take responsibility for themselves and their own actions attract the same kind of people.  Raye Dawn seems to have in my opinion, attracted many like her, to her.

I can't wait for Sept. 1st!!  Another step closer to putting the "poor Raye Dawn" saga behind us.  Closer to forgetting about her and letting her get settled in her little cell and get comfortable, where she will be spending the next 20 yrs.  Closer to the Briggs being able to go back to as "normal" a life as they can without their precious Kelsey.  They will never be normal again without her, but I'm praying they can get close to it.  Getting this hearing over with and the appeal behind them will certainly be big steps towards that.  And the rest of us can forget the ignorance that spreads lies and hate in their efforts to free a much guilty woman. 

Seems some know what is coming, Raye Dawn is staying where she is and they are looking for their next attention getting rung on their way up, as they have have appeared to climb above Raye Dawn already on their ladder to fame and fortune.  In a way I kinda...kinda...feel sorry for RD but only in that aspect.  She thinks she has someone tooting her horn, but the only horn being tooted is the one that is doing the tooting.  Kind of a shame.  Not that Raye Dawn deserves anything better than she's gotten for what she did in my opinion.

I will have to say that I have learned a lot of things during this whole thing.  I have met wonderful people and have two very, very close friends because of it.  One thing I have learned that has shocked me to the core, is that some people actually want to be a victim.  For whatever reason, whether to validate themselves or to sell a book or fame and fortune.  It's sad because a REAL victim would give anything in the world to NOT be a victim, but sadly they have no choice.  Being a victim of DV I had a hard time understanding what I have seen, and still do.  It angers me that some portray themselves and compares themselves to real victims.  IF they are a victim, they are a victim of themselves only.  They choose that.  They antagonize, lie, attack, threaten, stalk, harrass and agg people on, it's like they beg to be attacked online and badmouthed to validate their purpose. ? I don't know why, I just know it's sad and disgusting all at the same time.  I guess being a "victim" in their mind gives them a purpose.  What a sad existence.  Soon that will fade away too.  You can only lie and deceive people so long before you are caught and exposed.  Then you can only say you are a victim of yourself, your lies and poor choices. 

I have also been pleasantly surprised that at least some of the national media people do actually check out stories they are presented with.  Just because someone says something or claims something... they have the smarts to know doesn't make it fact.  That's good lol  Now I will have a little more faith in some of the shows I used to enjoy.

Before I go feed the deer for the night, I want to tell you all that Bill Bowen is doing a series of articles on Kelsey's case and things surrounding it on his facebook page.  Appears to be a good read so far.  I don't know what all he has planned but I will be tuning in to see.  He's a good man for standing up for the truth, exposing the corrupt and caring about innocent children.  Be sure and check his FB page out!  could get interesting, knowing Bill lol   

Hope everyone is having a GREAT weekend! 

1 comment:

  1. I just read Part 3 on Bill's page, and I found Kathie's speech to the legislature absolutely wonderful. She is the true definition of class.
