Monday, July 12, 2010

When you lie and deceive people....

When you lie and deceive people by the masses, your evil WILL catch up with you.  It seems that trying to USE people that have been in DEVASTATING circumstances do NOT like being USED for one's own personal agenda/gain.  People don't like being LIED about and USED.  That makes them start looking into things/claims being made by the user/abuser.  To USE people in a false manner is ABUSING them and their tragedy's.  Sad that people destroy themselves and try to blame others.  Evil will get you nowhere.  Spreading hate and evil and abusing people will catch up with you eventually.  The family of this person should really seek some good mental help for this person.  They definately are NOT healthy in their mind.  STRANGERS who have been in devastating, tragic circumstances are now being drug into this person's sick plots/agenda and they are none too happy about it.  It's not only the legal ramifications that could be devastating to this person's family, but the loss of the mind of their loved one.  Obsession is NOT healthy.  When that obsession affects stranger after stranger and innocent person after innocent person, it's time for the family to step in and get this desperate, obviously ill person some help. 

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