Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Casey Marie Anthony

Dear Casey,

Keep laughing and smiling while you can.  Your laughter and smiles won't last.  Yes, you beat the system and got away with murdering your baby girl Caylee Marie, but....You WILL be rightfully Judged and sentenced by GOD, your maker!! when your time upon earth is done. 

Karma's a bitch and you will learn that lesson the hard way too.  You haven't "won" anything stupid girl...your life as you knew it IS OVER.  You won't be welcomed anywhere with open arms.  You will never be able to trust anyone.  Think someone is your friend and going out to party with them? hmm..maybe they are setting you up to take you out and put some duct tape over your nose & mouth and dump you in a swamp somewhere....ya never know. 

"Bella Vita"?  I don't think so, but Good Luck with that now.

People are calling you OJ 2?  HAHA...not hardly, OJ at least was someone at one time.  You will ONLY ALWAYS be known as the pathetic mother who got away with murdering her child.  And I for one, hope you enjoy your status AND what will come with it.

Just so ya know, you disgust me and so does your mother.  I have no doubt you will have no trouble sleeping at night....I hope your mother sees that precious baby's face every night in her nightmares for her lying for you on the stand.  You didn't deserve Caylee and you didn't deserve your mother lying on the stand to save your worthless hide.  So see Casey? in the end, you didn't need to be so jealous over the relationship with little Caylee and your mother because when push came to shove...she abandoned Caylee for you.  Relish in your victory while you can.


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  3. La persona que me lo envio, está todavia asombrada delo que ocurrio, ya que ella dice que lo hizo por hacerlo y que pidio algo que creia imposible de lograr. Probemos.

    * Para ti mismo di el nombre de la única persona del sexo opuesto con quien quieras estar (tres veces...)...

    * Piensa en algo que quieras lograr dentro de la próxima semana y repítelo para ti mismo(a) (seis veces)...

    * Piensa en algo que quieras que pase entre tú y la persona especial (que dijiste en el no. 1) y dilo a ti mismo/a (doce veces)...

    * Ahora haz un último y final deseo acerca del deseo que escogiste.

    * Después de leer esto tienes 1 hora para mandarlo a 15 temas y lo que pediste se te hará realidad en 1 semana.

    A la mayor cantidad de gente a quien lo mandes más fuerte se hará tu deseo.
    Si tu escoges ignorar esta carta lo contrario del deseo te sucederá,
    o esto no sucederá jamás...............
