Monday, January 24, 2011


Everyone please disregard this posting, it's to one dumbass, and he knows who he is, not any of you.

You know what?  You want to act all tough but reality is "R", you are one of the biggest cowards I have ever had the displeasure of knowing about.  You have to play with guns and threaten defenseless women, to make yourself a "man", well guess what?  That's NOT being a man.  It just makes you a cowardly worthless punk. Nothing more.  You will never be a real man.
Why do you have to post things to me other than on here? Oh, that's right, because you are a worthless coward.  You don't have the balls to face a woman that won't put up with your stupid cowardly punk ass, and has the guts to stand up to you.  Yep, that's me, your pathetic self doesn't scare me, because I know you for the cowardly worthless punk you are.

"What about women that deserve it?" you say?  NO woman deserves to be hit, let alone what you have done to her.  Women don't "mak u hit them".  YOU do that all on your own, she'd done nothing to you but get smart, leave and divorce your sorry worthless abusing ass.  That's the smartest thing she's ever done is taking out the rotten, smelly trash to the dump where it belongs.

And NO, coward, this blog does NOT need to come down "NOW".  YOU don't tell me what to do.  Who do you think you are? lmao!  You don't even have balls enough to post directly to me, why would you think I would listen to you or do anything you demand I do?   You don't OWN women stupid.

"it ain't gonna happen"  ???  Of course it's not.  First of all you are too big a coward to face me, but MOST importantly, you will NEVER get that close to her again....EVER, so give it up.  The house next door to me just sold recently, who ya think bought it? ya wanna come see her, you will see me first. True story!  And I promise you, you won't get to her, what you WILL get is a free ride to the state penitentary....for life this time.  You seem to like where you've been sent the last two times courtesy of me, you'll like the next one even better...I promise.  And you should know by now...I keep my promises.

And just to let you know, I know what the certified letter was an attempt at doing...LOL  didn't work for my ex either.  And for the record, she IS my business and people that threaten, harm or hurt her are my business.  You don't like it?  Leave her alone.  You won't win anymore....that's another promise.  SHE is the winner, hands down.  Go find someone else to play your pathetic games....told you before's GAME OVER.  The only way to get rid of me is to leave her alone.

Now sit & spin on that awhile!


  1. It's a WRAP!!! You go girl!!! Useless demeaning abusive POS better learn where he stands in your world...and her's!!!!

  2. That absuive POS has been put in his place. He needs to stay there.
